Page 27 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 27

-                                 Close at G. P. 0. Daily
                   Office.       Parish.   0+'                     Arrive at   Leave   Arrive at   llouting
                                         ..t~   Ordinary   l Letters, Prints
                                         G~    Letters.   Parcel-post.   D.P. O.   D.P.O.   G.P.O.   {via)
             Hayes, tel.    ..  Clnrendon  . .   40   6.30 a.m.   . .   10.05 a.m .   6.15a.m.   9.10a,m.   May Pen
            -H  ECTOR'S R IVER, tel.  ..  Portland   51   1.00 p.m.   12.30 p.m.   5.50 p.m.   4.1 ) a.m.   8.25 a.m.
             HIGRGATE 1  t.   .. St. Mary  ..   38   1.30 p.m.   1.00  p.m.   5.05 p.m .   7.25 n.m.   10.50 a.rn.  Richmond
            -H  OPE BAY 1  t.   ..   49   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   6.30 p.m.   6.35 a.m.   lO.iiO a.m.
                                                  ..       ..         . .   5.50 p.rn .   8.25 n.m.   P. Antonio {by van}
          •  i- -  Hopeton  l.   ..  St. James  ..  130   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   10 .55 a.m.   1.35 p.m.   1.55 p.m .  Montego Bay
            -H  opewcll, tel.   ..  Hanover   ..  126  10.00 n.m.   9A5n.m.   6.05 p.m .   6.35 n.m.   1.55 p.m.  Anchovy
             Inverness      ..  St. Ann   ..   78  10 .00 a.m.   9:45a.m.   5.35 p.rn .   7 .00 a.m.   1.55 p.m.  Shooters Hill
                                               1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   6.55 a.m.   5.40 p.m.   9.10 a.m.  Brown's Town and
                                        I   86 1   1.30 p.rn.   9 .45 1\.ID.   9.30 a.m.   8.30 a.m.   1.55 p.m .   Montego Bay and
              pswich, Ry. t.   ..  St. Elizabeth   10 .00 a.m.     3.55 p.m.
                                                        1.00 p.m.*
                                                                            3.10 p.m.
                                                                                      9.10 a.m.
              slington, tel .l.   ..  St. i\1 nry   ..   46   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   6.55 p.m.   6.15a.m.   10.50 a.m.  Albany
              ackson Town, tel.   ..  Trelawny   90   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   12.55 a.m.   10.40 p.m.   9.10 a.m.   Ewarton
              AlfES El ILL, tel. l,   ..  Clarcndon  . .   60   6.30 a.m.   . .   12.40 p.m.   3.30 p.m.   9.10n.m.  Frankfield
             Jericho, tel. l.   Hanover   163  10.00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   7.15 a.m.   4.55 p.rn.   1.55 p.m.  Lucea
              OHNS ILH.L, tel. l.   ..  St. James   123   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   7.25a.m.   4.45 p.m .   9.10 n.m.  iVIontego Bay and
              ONES PEN,  tel.   ..  SL Andrcw  ..   1   6.30 a.m.   ..   8 .35 a.m.   8.36 8.01.   8.50 a.m.
                                        I       noon      noor.    1.00 p.m.   1.10 p.m.   1.20 p.m.
                                               3.00 p.m .   2.30 p.m.   4.20 p.m.  I  3.35 p.m.   3.55 p.m.
             Juncticn, l.   . . , St. EJizniJ  tb. ·1  85  10.00 u.m.   9.45n.m.   6.4 l a.m.   4 .2 l p.m.   1.55 p.m.  South field
             J\ nloramn, l.   ..  ~t. Andr. w  . .   14 1   1.00 p.m.   12.30 p.m.   4.35 p.m.   12.40 p.m.   8 .25 a.m.  Bull Bt•Y
               eith, l.     . .  ~t.  Aim   . .   73   1.30 p.m.   1.00  p.m .   6.30  !  3  30 p.m.   9 .10 a.m.  Brown's Town
               ELI.ITS 1  ltl. l.   . .  Clarendon  .   47  I  6.30 a.m.   ..   2.15 p.m.   4.20 p.m.   9.10 n.m.   Ewnrton
                                               1.30 p.m.   1.00 ll.ffi.   ..                  Claremont
             Knock pat rick   ..  Manchester  ..   67  10.00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   3.00 p.m.   9.45·~.m .   1.55 p.m .  l\J a.ndc\·ille
              abyrinth, l.   ..  St. Mary   ..   . .   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   7.15 11.111.   !'i.3!') a.m.   10 .50 a m.   Gay  le
              acovia, tel.   ..  St. Elizabeth   85  10.00 a.m.   9.45 a.m.   4.40 p.m.   7.45a.m.   1.55p.m .  Maggotty {daily}
                                                                            6.05 p.m.
                                             I { Tues., Thurs. and  ..,at.  T., Tb., s.  I M., w., F.  9.10 a..m.   Willia.msfkld
                                                        3.00 p.m.t
                                                                  11.00 p.m.
                                               3.30 p.m.
                                                                                      '  \  'I., Th., s. l}
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