Page 31 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 31

                                         ~ c   Close at G. P. 0. Daily
                                         -  0
                                         O""'           Registered   Arrive at   Leave   Arrive at   Routing
                                         ...  "'
                  Office.       Parish.   ~ ""   Ordinary   Lct.tcrs, Prints
                                         ~~               and      D.P.O.   D.P.O.    G. I'. 0.    (via)
                                         ~     Letters.   Parcel-post.
           -Pepper, le/.   ..  St. Eliznbcth   71   i" 9.4'.'m.   7 .20 p.m.   9.40 p.rn.   1.55 p.m.   l Santa Cruz and
                                                lVJon., Wed ..  l"rt.   M., W., F.  T.,Th., S.  M.,W., F.   Balaclava
                                              3.30 p.m.  I 3.00 p.m.   9.35 p.m.   7.25 p.m.   !l.10 o.m.   Santa Cruz and
                                              Tues.,  Thurs., Saturday*   T.,Th.,S.   1\f., W., F.  T., Th., S.   Williamsfield
           -i>P.n:ns rn:r..D, tel.   W'rnorcl:lnd  .   129  10.00 :,\.Ill.   9.45 :\.Ill.   6.50 p.m.   6.05 :un.   1.55 p.lll.  !\Iontpclier
           - Point, 1.       St. James   127   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   10.00 a.m.   2 .15   9 .10  1\.Dl.   Montego B::.y and
           -PotNT Hu.L, tel. I.   St. Cnth.   43   6.30 n.m.   ..   1.15 p.m.   4.30 p.m.   9 .10   Lluidas Vale
           -PonT ANTONI0 1  t.   Portland   75   1.30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   7.07 p.m.   5.35 a.m.   10.50 n.rn.   (By Rnilway)
                                          f)!   l .00 p.m.   12.30 p.m.   7.4G p.m.   2. 15 a.m.   8.25 a.m.  (By motor van)
           -PonT ~IAtllA 1  t.   St. Mary   50   1 .30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   5.50 p.m.   6.30 a.m.   10.50 a.m.  Richmond
                                                 ..        ..         . .   6.10 p.m .   9.10 a.m.  St. Ann's Bay and
           -PonT M OnAN'r, t.   St . Thorn>lS   39   1.00 p.m.   12.30 p.rn.   4.20 p.rn.   5.53 a.m.   8 .25 n.rn.
           -Pon·r ROYAt., t.   Port Hoyul   6   3.00 IJ.Il1.   2.30 p.m.   5 .eo p.m.   10.30 a.m.   11.30 a.rn.
           --l'onus, t.      Manchester   47   6.!i0 a.m.   ..     9.45 :un.   6.00 n.m.   9.10 1\.lll.
                                             10.00 a.m.   9 .45 n.m.   1. 4()  p.lll.   11.18 a.m.   1.55 p.m.
                                              3.30 p.m.   3.00 p.m.   7.05 p.m.   3.40 p.rn.   6.30 p.m.
           -Prntvillc, tel. I.   do.      73  10.00 1\.Dl.   I  9.45 a.m.   6. 10 o.m.   6.30 p.m.   1.55 p.m.  NcwporL
            PnrES'l'MAN'S Rrn:n,  ) \
              tel.            Portland    65   1.00 p.lll.  :  12 .30 p.w.   6.55 p.m.   3.0G a.m.   8.25 a.m.
           ....Prior Park l.    do.       4G   1 .30 p.m.  I  1.00 p.m.   I  ).O.J  a.m .   3.00 p.m.   10.50 a.rn.   Buff Bay
           -Race Course, tel.   Clarendon   50   6 .30 a m.   ..   ll. J5 1\.Ul.   5.06 a.m.   9.10 a.rn.   May Pen
           - namble, tel.     ITano\·er   lOO  10.00 a.m.   9.45 :t.m.   5.55 p.m.   7.00 :t.m.   1.55 p.m.   Montp~lier
          '  -Rending tel.   St. Jnmes   132  10.00 a.m.   !  9.45 a.m.   5.36 p.m.   7.04a.m.   1.55 J).ltl.   Anchovy
            Red  Hills,!.    St. Andrew   10          I  I   ..    7.00 p.rn.   5.40 a.m.   8 .45 a.m.   Halfway T ree
           -Redwood, tel. I.   St. Cath.   31   1.30 ·p.lll.  !  1.00 p.m.   6.40 p.m.   6.45 a.m.   10.50 a.m.   Linstcad
           -R.E1'11EAT 1  t.   St. :rvrnry   69   1.30 p.lll.   I  1.00 p.m.   6.45   6.2 ) a.m.   10. (jQ  1\.10.   Linstcnd
                                                      I                     7. 30 p.m.   9  1 l  a.rn.   Ewnrton
           -fucnMOND 1  I.      do.       36   1 .30 p.m.   1.00 p.m.   4.45 Jl.ln.   8.00 a.m.   10.50 a.m.
                                                 ..   I    ..         . .   4.06 p.m .   S.2ii a.m.   Port  Antonio (by
                                       I              I                                        van
   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36