Page 9 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 9

REGIST.RAT~ON.                       7
         (7)  t.o add, in m11nuacript or by a mechanical process, to cuttings from newspapen a.nd
            periodicals,  the  title, date, number, and address of  the publioatiou from  which
            the  article  is  extracted:
         (8)  in foFms of order or subscription for publicat.ions,  books, newspapers,  engravings,
            pie!les of music, to indiCAte in manuscript the works required or offered, a.nd to,
            strtke out or underline the whole or part of the printed communications.
       Adtlresa cards and all  printed matter of tb.e form and 1lUbstance of an  unfolded  card
     may be rorwarded without wrapper, envelope, faatening or fold.
       The undermentioned articles are o:r;c/'u.d6d  from  transmission at the rate applicable t.o
     printed papers -
     .  Postage stamps,  wl<etlwr obl1toratel.l  or not,  and in general  all printed papers represent-
     mg a monetary value.  (These articles are subject to t,he letter I' ate of  postage.)
       Blank paper, note paper or envelopes (with or without printed address), and all other
     articles of stationery pure and simple.
       For further details concerning this class of mail, see London Post Office  Guide, under
     '' Printed Papers-Foreign."
       (e) Commercial  Papers  comprise  s.ll  papers  and all documents,  whether writing)!  or
     drawings, produced wholly or partly by hand, not having the character of an actual and
     personal correspondence,  such as  open letters,  and out-of-date  post cards  whi<lh  have
     already ful!llled their original purpose, papers of legal procedure, dor.uments of all ldnds
     drawn up by public functioruu:ies, way bills or bills of lading, invoices, certain document.a
     ol immranoe companies, t'opies of or extracts from  deed  under private seal,  written on
     stamped or uustautped paper, musical scores or sheets of music in manuscript, the manu-
     scripta  of works or of  newspapers forwarded separately,  pupils'  exercises io original or
     with corrections,  but without any  note which  does not relate directly  to  the  execution
     of  the work.
       A  local  packet  of "Printed''  or "Cowmercial" Papers  may  not  exceed  3  pounds  in
     weight, nor 2 feet iu length, nor 1 foot in width or depth, except it ba intended !or trans•
     miasion a.s a parcel at the 4d. per lb. rate (see below).
       The inland  rate o!  postage on  "Priuted '' aud  on "Cornmeroial" Papers is the same,
     viz. -1d. for each 2 oz. but for for overseas mail the rate differs.  Seep. 38.
       (I) Parcels;-Under scale (a) a  parael  mny  not  exceed 1 lb.  in  weight, 2 feet in  length
     nor 1 foot in width or depth.  (Under tbi!i saale the poatage is  1 d.  for  each 2 oz.)
       Under scale (b) a parcel may uot  e..xcood  11  lbs. in weight nor 1,£00  cubic  inches  in
     >;ize,  3! feet in leugili, or 6 feet in length  s.nd  girth  romhined.  (under this  scale  th.e
     postage is 4d.  per lb.)
      Rules for the 1uode of packing, etc., of inland parcels and samples, are identical  with
     those  relating to  overseas  parcels and aamples.  See pp. '1:7 &ud 31-32.  These rules must
     he strictly adhered fo  in every detail.
       NA\Vspapers,  citcuJars, boo.k paokets a.nd parcels, m us~ 1:1& postet!witbout a  cover, or in
     a cover open at the ends or sides so a" to a4mit oj the contente beingBasily willu:l.rawnjor e;r;-
     aminalion.  The mer.c clipping of the corners or of the sides of an envelope or other cover
     is hlsufficient.  They must not contain any letter or commWJ..ioation of the nature of a letter
     nor anything that may inljuro the ojfr.urs of tho Post OjJit<Jor the contenls of th& muil buys.
       If any letter or communiaation of the ue,ture of a  letter be found in  a  newspaper,
     oircula.r,  book packet or parcel, the e~tire packet will  be surcharged o.t  the unpaid toil~
     ralc of pOIJtago.
                          1U~G I 5T~ATION (Inland).  (1)
       Any letter or other mail  rnatter may be  registered  on  prepayment of  the registration
     fee  and postage.  Packets containing money aud  jewellery  (2),  must  be  ragisktrtld  and
     rnust be prepaid o.t the leU11r rate oj posl<lo•·  Any paoket found to cnnta.i-n mnMy or jmcellery
     but not registered, will be liable to a surcharge equal to double tbe registra.tion fee.
       A letter muat not be aooepted for registration unless it is i11 parjecltmkr.  A registered
     letter fastened  with gummed  paper can only be  s.ccepted  if the sender signs his
     across  the slip  of gu=ed paper.
      The fees  payable  over  above  the postage,  and  the respective limits of compen-
     sation,  are  as  follows·r-
     Fee                    2d.  3d.  4d.  5d.  6d.  7d.,  Sd.,  9d.  lOd.  lld.,  le.
     Limit of compensation   £2, .£10, .£'.20,  £30, £40, £50, .£60,  £70, £80, £90, £11·'
       (1)  Conclitjous  governing  registration  of  tnla?ld  corresoonrlence  differ  from  tho<~e
     governing  Ollel'86as  correspondence.  See  p. 29.
       (2)  For full definition of  "money" o.ud  ''jewellery,'' seep. 8
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