Page 11 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 11

OFFIOIAL  CORRlJlSPONDJ!l.NCE.             9
                         Of'f'ICIAL  CO~IlE5PON DENCr:'.
       List of Officials  and other Public  Functionari~ who  send  and  receive corrsespondence
          through the inland post free o! charge:
       .Attorney General               Keeper of the Itecords (N ol Deputy
       Auditor General                   Keeper:  See List B.)
       Cent!. B.rd. of Health, Chu.irman and Secy.  Land Board:  Secretary o!
       Chief Oomrni&sionor, Contagious Disease   Mayor of Kingston
         of Animals Law                Naval Agent
       Chief Inspector of Agricultural Produce   Officer Commanding Troop$
       Chief Justice                   Pa.rochial 'l'reaaurers.
       Clerk of Legisla~i'le Council   .Postmaster for Jamaica
       ()olleot.or General             Puisne Judges
       Collectors of Customs           QUArantine Bo~d,  Chairman and Secretary
       Collectors of Taxes and Assistants   .Registrar General
       Colonial Secretary and Assistant   Resident Magistrntes
       Crown Solicitor                 Secretary of Assessment Committee,
       Custodes ol Pnrishes              Income Tax
       Dir. of Agriculture and Island Chemist  (1)   Secretary of Central Board of Health
       Director of Education           Secretary, llousiug and Land SettJement
       Director of Public Works          Committee
       Director of Railway             Secretary of Land Board and Agricultural
       District Medical Officers         Loan Board
       Government Meteorologist        SeQretary Local War Gravea Committee
       Government Savings Bank, Manager oC   Secretary, Quarantine Board
       Governor, His Excellency the    Senior and Junior Sanitary Medical
       Governor's Private Secretary and A.D.C.   Officers
       Health Officer, St. Mary        Senior Medical Officer, Public Hospital,
       Health Officer, Trelawny          Kingston
       Inspector of Income Tax         Staff Officer of the Local Foroe.s
       Inspector General of Police     Stamp Commissioner and Deputy Stamp
       Inspectors of Poliee              Commissioner
       Inspectors and Assistnnt Inspectors of   Superintendent of the Lunatic AsyiUlll
        Schools.                       Superintendents o{ PuWio Works
       International IIealth Board, Director for   Superintending Medical Officer
        Jamaica                        Surveyor General
       Judge of the King~~ton Court    Treasurer

         The following may send but not receive official correspondence free of cbarge:--
       A~trator Gen~ral      .   .     Clerk, Victoria Jubilee Hospital
       AdVI.SoryBofll'd, I?o Cobre Irngat1on (let-  Comptroller  of  JamAica  Civil Service
         ters must bear st~ature of Secretary,   Widows' a.nd Orphans' Pensions
         Mr. F. E. Taylor)
       Clerks of Courts                Deputy Keeper of Records
         (1)  Letters for  the  technical  officers of the Depru>tment of Agriculture, viz.  Deputy
       Island  Chemist,  Microbiologist,  Entomologist,  Veterinary Surgeon,  HeadmasteJ'  Farm
       81Jhoo1 Superintendent Experimental Station and Inspector of Plant Diseases, addressed
       "care of the Director of Agriculture," are delivered free.
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