Page 8 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 8

6                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE.
            post  cards may  bear small  labels showing the name and address  of  the sender a.nd  th~
            addrll$ee; and engravings and p}JOtoj!raphs on v~ry thin paper may be affixed to the baGk.
            and left bD.Dd bo.lf of the address sidet pro\oided that they are wnplolely adh61'6!tl.  News-
            paper cuttings may all>o be attnched to the back and left band half or the address side.  A
            post card must uot be enclosed i)1 a <lOver of any kind.
             Ca.rda bearing the title "Post Card,"  or its equi-vale.nt, aurritted at.  the rate  for
            printed matter, provided  that they conform  to the generul regulations res]'lecting priut.ed
            papers; if  they do  not conform  cither to  these regulations or t.o  the rules applicable  tO·
            po,st  cards tl~-SIJ  are  trMlt•d  011  l~llers.
             Cards must be mo.nufautured of ca.rdhoarcl or paper of suob consistence ss no~ to binde.r
             "Blind  LiteraiJJ.rtr"  Packets containing papers impressed for  use  of  the  blind  ruay
           be sent  a.t  the  following  special rate :-up to  2  lbs. 3  ozs. td;  4 lbs.  6  011s.  ld;  0  lbs.
           ~ ozs. l!d.  See also  page  lO,
             (c)  Newspapers Rnd  Magazines.-Newgpape!ll  printed  and  publi&Jed  in  Jamaica  are
            admitted to the i.nland mail at !d. per copy, irrespective of weight.  In adJition to these
            Any publication printed and published in the United Kingdom or in any British posses-
            sion,  which  i.s  .,., gi8/ered  as a mu11papcr  at the London General Post Office,  is admitted
            to the 111land mail at jd. per copy.  All other newspapers are su}:>jeut  to  the rate  for
            Printed Pnpers, i.e.,  !d. for  each 2 oz. of weight.  In the case of Britiebpel'iudical.s  !Ae
            words "Registered atthe General PostOffiue &6  o.  Newspaper" will  usually be found ou
            the oove.r or in the Absence o/ a  oover on the top of ~lie 1irat
             Magazines printed and published in Jamaica provided t-hey  are issued in consecutive
            numbeTS at intervals of not more than 31  days, aTe al80 admitted to  tbe .Wa·nd mail at
            id. per copy, irrespect;ive of weight.
             (d).  Printed Papers.-The following are  considered a.s  Printed Papers,  and allowed to
            pass  a.s  euch~-Newspnpera and  periodical  works,  books,  pamphlets, sboots  of  musiu,
            visiting cards, addreas cards, proOfs of printing wit.h  or without  the relative manuscript,
            engravinga,phot.ogra.pLs, and albums containing photographs, piatures,  d.rawingt~, plana,
            maps, catalogues,  proi!Jleotuses,  advertisements  and notices  of  various  kinds,  printed,
            engraved,  lithographed  or m.imeographed,  and  in  general,  all  impressions  <or  copies
            obtained upon paper, parchment,  or cardboard, by means of printing, engraving,  litho·
            graphy, autbogrsphy, or any otlu!r mechanical PJ'(JCess to  except transfttr&
           attd the lyp~ncril-8r.
             Reproductions  elf  a  manuscript  or type\\Titten ori~PDu.l, when  they are obtained by a
            mechanical  manllolding  process  (c)lronoJ!11lp.Y,  &c.)  are •·lassed with printed papers;  but
           in order  to pass at the reduced  postage,  these reproductions must. be brought  to  the
           counter of a  Post Office to the number of at len.8t tlllll'IIIU copil!ll:,  pr11cisely iiJentr<·al.
             Printed papers wlucb beAr nuy mtuks wbat.ever, capable of constituting a  conventional
           language or,  the  exueptions speci.fil' authorised  below,  those of whlch  the text
           has been rooclilied after printing, cannot be sent af, the reduced rate appliuabiiJ  to  printed
             It is allowed:-
               (1)  to add in ruanusoript, on printed visiting cards and also on Christmas and New
                  Year Cards the address or the sender, hla title, a.s well a.s any forruula of courtesy,
                  e."qlressed in five words at moat or by means or conventional initials (p.f., &c.) i
              (2)  to enclose the "copy" with corr~>otPd proofs, and to make in Lhose proofs alteru--
                  tions and additions concerned with corrections, fonn, and printing.  In case of
                  want o£ space these additions may be made on separate sbeeta;
              (3)  to correct also errors in  printing in  printed doeument.s other than proois;
              (4)  to insert or corroot in mauuscript or by a mecha.nicul process 'figures in prices cu~
                  re.ut,  tenders for advertisements, swck ami share lists, mo.rket quotations, trade
                  oiroulars and prospectuses,  '.Ill  well as  t.he  t.ravel.ler's name,  the date,  time llJld
                  place of his intended vis1t, and  the address a.t which  be is staying, in travellers'
                 ll.Dllouncem  en  ts;
              (5)  to  indicate in Dlanuscript in advi()es of the departures llJld  arrivals of ships,  t.he
                 date and time of ~hose departures I.Uld  arrivals, as well as the names or the altips
                 and  the  pom of  departure  and  arrival;
               (6)  to add a  written dedication consisting simply of an e.~rt>Sl!ion of regard on books,
                  pamphlets, newspapers, photographs, engravings, sheets of music, D.Dd in 1re11eral
                  on all literary or artist.ic productioxts, priut.ed, engTaved, lithographed or milu~­
                  graphed, as well a.s  to enclose the relative invoice;
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