Page 13 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 13

        (b)  To be eodorsed " Literature for the Blind."
        (e)  Each  packet  of  such  literature  to  be returned  to  Kingston  to  bear a  label
           addressed  "The  Territorial  Commander,  Salvation  Army,  Kingston,"  duly
           signed  and endorsed as above.
      LeUers addt·ll<lscd ta  placlla abroad cannot be fru.n.kcd lx1t «hould be prepaid.
                 Rule8  regc.rdi.'fl.g  Prankirlf)  of OjJicial  CotTe$potuience.
      1.  The envelope or cover of the offieial ot other ps.r.ket may be "franked ' under
     a11thority  of  His  Excellency the Governor in either of the following  ways-(a) By the
     impression of tin approved ofli(.lial frauk stamp; (b) by the signature and official designa-
     tion of the Head of the Department 1  or other duly authorised  officer or functionary on
     the lower lefL  hand  corner of the envelope or cover.  The envelope  or  cover  be
     superscribed with the words" On His Malesty's Service."
      2. Tho  envelope or cover must be addressed  to  the head of  the department  or to a
     public  officer  or fuuctiooary  who  is entit.Jed  by the authority of  Bis E;"<cellenoy  the
     Governor to reocive official corrC:.'JlOJldeoce  free of ~barge for postage.
      3.  No public ollicttr  "ill be permitted  to utuke or any stamp for  franking ltltters
     or to fra.nk lelters witllOut  the authority of tbe Governor.
      4.  Heads  of Departments and all  postmasters must  exercise vigilance  to prevent  anY abuse
     ot  the  !ranking  f!rlvilege.  and  any  evasion  or  attempt  to  abuse the  privilege. and any  de·
     parture  lrom  tho rui!IS  must  be  reported.  with full_particulars. to  the Colonial Secretary or to
     the Postmaster for Jamaica.
      5.  The franking of envelopes, eto. either by means of the franking stamp or by signatureJ
     is strictly forbidd11n,  unless the envelopes contain. at the t.ime of franking the official ~r­
     respondence  Qr  matter  ~o be  tran.stn.itted  through  the  post,  subject  to  the followmg
     exception,  munely-
      That any writLeo or prillted matter properly issued in a franked ru1velope or covering
     for circulaLion among members oJ  11.  board or any body of individuals, aud for ultimate
     returu to the office  of is.sue, may be passed from  o<~e member of such board or body to
    another m an envelope or covering provided for the purpo~:;e and duly franked in ad vane~
     by a duly authorised officer.
      N.B.-:tll  regi.tte~•(jd  leUcr.~ 1  posted  by  Lho  Jlublic and Mt frattked  as  above  d8<lcri1Mt!
    addr6(J8ed  ta  tJ1e  officic./.8  named  11bovt  in hoth  lillta A  und B. mml be  prepaid with tht
    1'8{li8tration fee  of two  penC8, with the cxcl'ption of rr.qi8tered letters addi'8<18Bd to the Manager
    of the  Gouemmetll  8alti1lfJS  Bank  Mtd  CtltltClllrs  an{l  A~11i8tant Collectors  of TQ:J!e:;  whicla
    are whoUy  poalage free.
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