Page 6 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1930
P. 6


          The General P06t  Office in Kingston  is situated in  the Public Builcli.ngs,  west block,
                                   King Street.
          TBE Circulation Branch, Money  Order Office,  and Telegraph Offices  maintained
        -at  the  north-west  portion  of  the  Public Buildings,  King Street.  The Control  Branch
        and the Telegraph Offi<le are on the first fioor of the building.  The Parcel Post Depart-
        ment, including the  C.O.D.  and  Detained  Packet  Offices,  is  now  housed  in  the  new
        Government Buildinb'S (formerly "Grace Building," No. 33  Olivier Pla.ce).
          The official  hours of the  various departments are as follows:-
          KmGsTON:  General  Post  Office,  Circula.tiou  branch,  8  a.m.  to 4  p.m.;  Mo11ey  and
        Postal Order branches, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Parcel Post Branch, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.;  Telegraph
        branch, 7 un. to 5 p.m.  (1)
          CoUNTRY:  All Post and 'l'clegraph Offices, 7  a.rll.  to 5 p.m.
                             INLAND  MAILS.
                      CLA551FICATION  OF MAIL,  QATE5,  ETC.

          L111T'I'Ell8.   POST CA.RoS.        PRINTED AND   t'A.RCJ!lLS.
                                la cat          PAPERS,   (a)     ~}
                                      I Rel[istra-  -----    For ee.c  pound
          Foreaoh             Newspapers                     or lor every 100
         unce or (rue-                 tlon  Foe.   For aacb   For each  cubic inohoo at
         tional p~rt   -·j &'"   eaeb.                   two   the '¥;tlon of
         of an ounce,                         two  ounces.   ouneea.   tba  epart-
                   -----              --- ---- ---              ment.
         ·On.e penny.  OnebaiC   One   Half-  Two-  Hall-penny.   One   Fourpenee,
                  penny.   penny.   penny.   penee     penuy(2)
          (a)  Lottere.-No letter for delivery in Jamaica may exceed 18 inches in length, \J  inches
        in width or 6 inches in depth, elCcept it be sent to 01: from a  Government Office.
          LetiMif sant in open tmvalope~~ are no/ adm1Ued at rate for" Prfnldd Papers."
          Letters,  newspapers,  prices  current,  and book  packet.s which are wholly  unpaid  wiU
        be liable to a  surcharge equal  !;()  double the prepaid rate; and, if they are in.sufli.ciently
        prepaid, to a surcharge equal to double the d/Jficvmcy.
          At the General Post Office,  Kingston, letters, circulars, account.s, &c.,  (but not nen-s-
        papers) may be prepaid in money instead of postage stamps; provided that the artiolesare
        chargeable with an uniform  rate of postage, that the amount paid is in no case less than
        10s., and that they are tied in  bundles representing a  postage o£ 2s.  6d. each, with the
        addressea arranged in the same direction.  Suoh mail matter must be preaented at a  time
        pre-arranged with the General Post  Office.
          (b)  Post  Carda.-Private post  cards prepaid  by means  of halfpenny postage stamps
        may be  sent  by  the  inland  post  on  the  following  conditions:--They  not  exceed
        5t by 4! inches nor be less than 4 by 21 inches.  The right hand half of the face is reserved
        for the postal directi,ons and address; the left hand half is available for the purposee o! the
        sender,  subject  to  the following  restriotions:--In  addition  to  stamps for  prepayment
          (1)  See page  52.
          (2)  No receipt is given for  parcels  sent  under this scale,  they are treated as ordinary
        letters and should be posted iu the letter box.
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