Page 9 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 9

OFFICIAL  CORRESPONDENCE.                  1
        3.  Compensation in respect or money of any kind (coin, notes, orders, oheques, stamp~j
      &~.) will only be given in those cases in which the money is enclosed in  on.e of t,he regis--
      tered letter envelopes sold by the Post Office and the packet. is tendered for trawunissioa
      by registered  letter  post.  The  compensation  given  i.o.  respec~ of  coin,  which  should
      be packed in such a way that il. cau.not move about, will in no case exceed £2.
        4.  It must appear thAt  t.he loss occurred in the post, and did not arise wholly or in pari
      by the fault. of thl\ sender, as, for instance, from inadequate fastening.
        5.  The compe•tsl.ltion  w given will  uot  e:~:ceed the  v1.1lue or  the  ar~icle lost.  The right  is
      reserved of reinsroting the contents of an envelope instead of giving pecuniary compeuSAI;ion.
        6.  In the •·ase of loss of couteuts the envelope should lJe retained for inspection as nearly
      as possible in the state in whicb it was delivered.  lf complaiut be made that the  contents
      of an envt:!ope bnve been abstrncted  the envelope must be produr,ed.
        7.  In  the case of bauk,  money and postal  orders.  cheques,  bouds,  and similar
      docurue.o.u.,  pl\rticulars sufficient for  their identification must be Iurnitihed.
        8.  No compen:sntion for loss is given in respect of au cuvelope containing anything not
      legally transmissible by  post., or an envelope not. posted  in  the  manuer  prescribed; or in
      respect  of  glass,  croake•·y.  greases,  liquids or semi-liquids. colouring, powders,  eggs, Gsh,
      meut,  fruit,  or  veget.ables, sent by letter post.
        !).  No compenl>!lt.ioo  is given for injury or damage consequential  upon-i.e., indirectly
      &rising from- the Ins<> of auything sent by post.
        10.  Without prejuwce  to  any of  the preceding rules,  t,he Postmaster for  .Jo.maica wiU
      if he thinks fit,  refuse  to give r.ompensation  for loss  on ll.llY ground ou which a  common
      carrier might in like case  claim exerupt.ion from  legal liabilities.
        11.  The fin11l  decision  upon  all  questions or compensation  rests  1vith  the  Postmaster
      for J!IIXlaica.
        12.  In these  rules  the  term  "money''  coiu,  and  (b)  paper  money.  The
      term  "coin '' men os  coins of all  kinds whether or not.  current. in .Ta{llaica  or  elsewhere.
      The  term "pal)er  money "  means  notes  of  the  Colonial  Bank,  Bauk  of  Nova  Scotia,
      Canadian Bank of Commerce, or Royal Bank of  Canada or o£  auy  bank of issue in  the
      t:'nited Kingdom, and  notes current in any  Foreign  State or  British  Pos~sion, money
      orders  anJ  postal  orders,  unoblitera.ted  postage  and  revenue stamps,  exchequer  bills,
      bank post bi1Js 1  bills of exchange,  !Jromissory notes,  cheque a, credit  notes  which  entitle
      the  holder  to  money  Ol'  goods,  and all  orders a.nd  o.tltborities  for  the  payment  of
      money,  whether  negotiahle  or not bonds,  noupons,  uwJ.  securities  for  ruou~y whether
      negotiable or noL.
        The  t~rm  ' Jewellery''  mPJIDS  and  inrludi!S-
        (4)  Col!i or ~i!V'ericl I) manufnrturt>d wlfp· that i1:1  to ~y,11 stM.e io  which Vl\lu~.:.  is added
             tu the raw material  by skilled  wo••kmru1sbip, an~! in  this definitinu urc•  included
             ll.ny  coins used  or llesigoed  for  put·posPs  of  orul\ment,
         b)  Diamonds and  [lrf'cious stones,
        c)  Watchcs the cases of whirh are pJl,ip••l• or m11inly  rnmposed of ~old or  silver;  and
        ~ d)  Any  a,• icle  of a  like  nnture wbi··h  npart from workrua.nsltip.  IIM nn  i ·llll'iN6ic  rrr
      rnarkewl,le I)Oltte.
        Advice of Delit:ery-Tbe seuder of  registered  correSJIOndence  ma.y  obtain Ml  acknow-
      ledgment or its receipt hy  the addressee on  payment of o.n  ~xtra fee  of  2d.  in  addition
      to other charges.
                        OFFICIAL  CORRESPONDENCE.
        list of  Officials  and other Public  Functionaries who sencJ  and  receive correspondence
      through  the inland TIOSt free  of cbnqe:
        Attorney General               Collectors or Taxes and Assist an t.a
        AuwLor General                 Colonial Secretary and Aasist.aut
        Centi.Brd. of Health, Chairman and Secy.  Cust.odes of Parishes
        Olriet Commissioner, Contagious  Dt~W!CJ:l  Dir. of Agticul ture and Island  Chemist.•
         of Ani.mttl~ Lo.1.w           Director of Education
        Clrief J uaticf.               Director of Public Works
        Cl&k of Le.,aisla.t.ive Council   Director of Railway
        Collector General              District Medical Officers
        Collectors of Customs           Government Met.eorologist
        *Not.:-Letters  for  the teebnieal  offienr.s  of  the  Department of  Agrleulture.  vi~.: Depul)'
      Chemist, Microbiologist,  Entomotoglat, Veterinary Surgeon, HendmMter ~·,.rm Sehool, Suporlone:nd<'nt
      ExporimenuU Stntion tl.Dd  Inspector of Plant Diseases, addressed "eare o£  tl\e Oir~~el<lr of Agrit•Jitute.''
       are delivered free
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