Page 10 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 10

's                     POST  OFF'ICll  GUIDE.

      Government Savings Ba.nk, Manager of   Quarantine  Board 1  Chairman  an.d
      Governor, His Excellency the     Secretary
      Governor's Private Secretary  a.nd A.D.C.   Registrar Cenera.L
      Inspector of  Income Tax and Secretary of  Resident Magistrates
        A.ssessment Committee         Secretary of ASSl!ssment Committee
      Inspector General of Police     Secretary of Central Board of
      lnspectots of Police   w        ::lecretary of Land Board snd Agricultural
      Inspectors  and Assistant Inspectors ot   Loan Bon.rd
        Schools.                      Senior and .Junior Sanitary  Medical Health Board,  Director for   Officers
        Ja.mnicll                     Swor M~dica.I Offioer, Public Hospit,al,
      Judge of  the Kingston Court     Kingston
      Keeper of the Records (Not Deputy   SWI Officer of the Local Forces
        Keeper: See List B.) Commissioner a.ncl Deputy Stamp
      Land Board:  Secretury or        Commissioner
      Mayor of Kingston               Superintendent of th;s Lunntio _<\.<Jylum
      N~tvnl Agent                    Superintendents of Publio Works
      P J.rocbia.l Treasurer,.        Superinoonding Medi03l Officer
      Poa(Dlaster for Jamaica.        Surveyor General
      Puisne Judges                   Tretl.~urer

         The following  rnay send but  not  receive  officinl  correspondence free  of  charge:-
      Administrator General           Registrar· of TiUes
      Advisory Board, Rio Cobre Irrigation (let·  Se11retary of Board of Direcr.ors, Shortwood
        t.ers  must,  bear signatu~e of  Secretary,   Tn~ining College
        Mr.  F  E.  Taylor)           i:lf'cr-etury  of  Board  of  Education
      Clerks ur Courts   •            Rec~ret ur.\'  of  Board  of  Supervision
      Clerk,  Vir.toria  .Jubilee  Ho3pital   f;ocMnry of c .. .ntrol Supploruelltary Allow·
       Comptroller  or  .Jamaica  Civil  i:lerviol•   I!IIC!!R Commi~lee
        Widows' and  OrphaliS'  Pensions   f:lec.retll.r.V  of Institute of Jrunaicn •
       Crown Solicitor                ~IJ•~r!lta.!'J  of Jamaica Agricultural Societyt
      Deputy  Ket>per  of  Rllcortls   Sei;I· ry of  Kingston  At.hen11.e\llu •
       Director of Prisor.s           Rec:reta.ry  of  Marine Bonrd
       Governm~nt. E lel\trical Inspector   Secretnry of hlico Training  Cotlogu
       E£arbour  Mu.ater              Berretary  of  Public  Tt:uders  Co1nmittee
       Hendm~ter Ringst.ou  TechlliCiiland Con- Secrer.ary  oi Sugar Indust.ry  Board
        t,inuat,ion  .l:.lchool       Secretary  Tourist  Trade  Development
       Inmates  or  t.he  Lepers'  Home   Board
       lnspectjug  Engineers,  P. ~·.D.   Ser.retary or Vere  Trrigntion
       Inspect.or  Ilookwonn  Campaign   SllOrt.wood College: Principal and Secretary
       Mico  Training  College,  Principal  and   of  Doard  of  Directors
        Seoretnry                     Superint.endent of General  Peniteutiu.ry
       Offir~r  in  chnrge  or  ColeyYille  Wireless  Superinwndeut,  or  Covt.  Printing  Office
        Stat.ion                      Superintendent  of  Tndustrial  Schoul
       Officer  Commtmding  _vlilitia  Superintendent  of Mar.binery P.W.  Dept.
        Artillery                     8ttperJ.utendent  of  Public  Gardens
       Passport and Permjt Officer    8urxu'!Utendent  of  St.  Catherine  District
       Principal of .Mlco Training College   Prison
       Principal  of  Rhortwood  Training  College  Superintendent of Stores, P.W  Department
       Protector  of  Imrnigranta     Ruperint.eru.ling   Inspector.   li<Jokworm
       Registrar  of  the Supreme  Court   Campaign.
         Rairwe.y slMio.n agents are authorised t.o S\lnrl t.hrougb the post. not prepaid  but  stamped
       wit.h theiroffinetitnrnp, "Jamaica Goverument RaiiWI\JS" or "Jamaica Railway Company,"
       printed notices ("Consignees' undelivered  goods")  in  open official  envelopes.
        •  Franked lahelsllre seut out with eaeb packet of books  to enable  them to  be  returned  tl~roll gb  lbe
       post free  ol chllt&c.
         tTheSoc.rctaryol  the AQ:ricultw'lll Society may ISt!uo  franked  envelopes orcon:rinca addresed 10
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