Page 8 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 8

         For futher details concerning this class of mail, :::ee  London  Post  OfficE'  Guide,  under
       "Printed T'ape~Foreigu."
          (d)  Commercial  Papers comprise all  papers and  all  documents, whether writings  01·
       drawingl'i,  produ(•~ wholly or partly IJy  hand. not havin~~; tht- chorac,ter  of  an actunl  aod
       persooul  oorrespondcuo1!,  such  as open  lettf'TS,  uod  out-of-date  p<'s~ cards  which  have
       already  fulfilled  their otigioal  purpose. paper:< of legal pro('edure. do.;uruents ,,r all  kiud8
       drawn  up by nultlic luuctloonrii'S.  Wl\"  hills or  h'JI~; ('( ludin!!:,  invoi,·e~, rerlain  documents
       of insurnnOI!  con1p~uie~. copies of or e-:trn~ts from  deeds under private :senJ  written on
       stampt'd or unstanwr.-1  paper, muairal srnrP~ or sht<els ot  mu~ic iu mauustript, l.he  m!Ulu·
       scripts ot  work~< or  tJf  new~papers forwurded t>eparl• tPIV.  purils'  e:<en·ises  in  ori~tioal or
       with  eorrectionf,  but.  without  any  nole which  does not  relute dirertly  t.o  the  execution
       of thf!  work.
         A  loca]  packet  of  "Printed"  or  "Commerr.ial"  Papers  may not,  t'xceed  3  poUllds  in
       weigM, nor 2 feet in leng~h. nor I  foot in width or depth, e.\:oept it be intended for t rans--
       missiou as a  p~rcel.
         The Inland rate of postage ou "Printed''aud on'' Commerci!LI Pape1's is the SllJlle, viz;-
       !d. for e~uL 2 o~. but  for foreign  mail the rate differs.  Seep. 22.
         (e) Parcels.-Under scale  (1)  a  parcel may not exceed llb. in  weight, 2  feet m  length
       nor 1 foot in width or dept b.  (U uder tWs scale the postage is Id, for each 2oz.)
         Under scale  (2) a  pntcel  may not e.xcerd  lllbs. in weight  nor  1,000 cubic inches in
        size,  three feet. in  length a11d  1 fooL  in  wid~h or depth.  (Under this sc:nle  the postagEt
        is 4d,  per lb.)
         Rules for  the mode of  ps.okiog,  &c.  or inland paroels and samples.  are identical witb
        t hosP- relating to foreign parcels nnd samples.  Seep.  23.
         Newspapers, prices cunenl, book packet-s and parcels must IJe posted without a  cover,
       or ih a  cover  open at the ends or sides so «8 lo adtni4 of the conlenls being eMil!l toilhdraum,
       for e:raminlion.  The mere clipping of t-he corners or of the sides of an envelope or other
       cover is insufficil!llt-  They must not contain  any letter" or communication of the nBture
       of a  letter,  nor tUl.Ything  that may iruur3 tlte  Q1Jiccr~ uf lh~ Po~t Of/ice  (Tr  tJ,e- C011Ienlt  of
        tJ1e mail baq11.
         If any letter or cou1munication of the nat.ure of a  le~ter be fou.od io a  new:spaper, prices
       current,  IJook  packet  or parcel,  the entire packet will  be surcharged at 1116  ttt<p!lid  letter
       rate of po•
                            llEG15TRATION  ( lnldnd).•
         Any  letter or ot-her mail  mo.tter may  be registered on prepayment. of  t he  regist-ratioa
        fee  :lJlJ pol!fage.  l'ackets  cont/)ioing  money,  jeweUer.vt, or  other value, tlwdl be  rellit-
        tered IIJld tnust be prepaid at the letl/,1' ru~ of-poslao~.  Any packet foUlld to  cMtaitlllalu"
        but  not registered,  will  be liable to 11  surcharge equal  to douiJle the registrat.iou fee.
         A letter mosl. 1101  IJe acut>ptetl for rPboi!ltration  unl~ss •t is  fu l"'rft'CI  ordrr.  .\registered
        letter fni"'ened  with  guuuned  puper r1m  only  he  tt.CCI'pted  if  thP  51'nder  si~na his onme-
        a.cross  the  slip or  ltlJilllllj!(!  pop··r
         T he !ee.s  payable over  tlud  sbove  the postage.  eod  the  re:;pe~t.ive limits of  compen-
        sation,  are liS follows:-
       Fee                   !!LL,  3d.,  4d.,  5d.,  tld.,  7tl.,  Sd.,  UJ.,  lOd., tld.,   14.
        Limit of compeusatiou   £'1,  £10 £20,  £30,  £40,  £50,  £00, .£70,  £80,  t:DO,  £100.
         These  fees  inrl,!lle  Ll.e  ordinary  registratiou  iee  2d.  The  highest  11mount  or  com•
        _pensaLiou obtruuaiJle for auy one pu.cketis £100.
                               !L COMPENSA'nON  FOR  LOSS.
          1.  The Postnw.ster for Jamaica is not. legally liable for any loss or inconvenience whica
        mAY  arise from the loss,  damage, delay, non-ueliv<~.ry, or mis-delivery of !Wything sent by
        post, tl.lld he does not, in any  circumstances, pay compe.nsatiou in respect of unregiswred
        letterS,  poskMds,  print.ed  ms.tter,  packets,  newspapers  or  local  parcels.  But subject
        to the rules stated below, he pays  compensation  voluntadly aud as an act of grace  in
        those ca~aud in those ca.!les only in which t-here hsa been a  total loss of the contents o{
        correspondence of  the follo"\\>illg  descriptions not being loss due to breakage or damuge.
          2.  No compensation  is given in  respect or  corrPspondence coUlpulsorily  re.gistered.
          • Colldltions ~to vernin; rP(i..trntion  of inla><d correspondence diO:er from  those  ~~;overniru: wot.1tlfS
        eorr..-pondence.  See p.  2-l
          t For 111.11 definition of "  jewellery",  seep.  7
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