Page 6 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 6


          The Generl\l Pos1, Office  in Kingston  is  si~uated in the Public Buildings,  west block,
                                   .King  Street.
          Ta:e  Cirr.ulat.ion  Bmnch,  Money  Order  Office,  and  Telegraph  Offices  are  main-
         tained  at  the north-west  portion  of  the  Public  Buildings,  Kin& Street.  The  Controf
         Branch and the Telegraph Office are on the first  floor of t.he  building.  The Parcel Post
         Department, including  the  C.O.D.  and Detained  Packet Offices,  is  now  housed  in  the
         new Government Buildings (formerly "Grace Buildiug," No. :ia Olivier Plt\ce.)
          The ordinary  office  hours of  the Circulation Bru.noh  are frorn  S a.m.  to 4  p.m.; hut
         the office is opened earlier or later should t.lw arrival or del;)artme of iruport.ant ship mails
         .render it necessary.
          The Money Order  and Parcel Post Offices  are kept open Crow  H to 3 p.m. eacb
         working day.
          District Post Offices  are open for the t.ransaction of s.U  bl18iness from  i tf) 5 p.m.
                             INLAND  M.AILS.

                               11ATE5 Or- POSTAGE.

'I'SI'IS.   POST CA.RDS.        PllWT&D Atm    PARCELS.
                                      I       CnmmRC1AL  1  tl?   (2)
                                Local           Pll.l'sns.
                                                        {Sample  For eaeb  poa.nd
                                       Reptra-          po.okec.s.) or Cor every 101>
         or an ounce,  j        each.•         two  ounees.   ounces.   the  OptiOn  or
        ou.nce or rrac- Single.   Reply   Newspaper•   tiou  Fee.   Fol'  eacb   For eaeb  cubic inches at
          tional po.rt
                                                               tbe Depart•
                 1-  -  -  -- --------                           meat.
        Que PBMY·   One bnlf   One   natf-  Two-  Hall-penny.   One   Fourpence
                  penny.   penny.   penny.   llB.:.:."ce:::::..-L-----...:.....!p!:.:en=n.y:!...:.l.:..... ____ _
          • N.'B.-Any publlco.tlou.  printed :.od yubUshed in the flritlsh  Islands or in aome British  posaes-
        elo~ which is "~lristered  at th" London Genero.l  l?o~t Office as a  Newspaper,  may be  sent  to  any
        address within tbe ll!land at tbe loan! newspaper rnte of  ~cl  [ur 1u.cli copJ!  All otber new• papers are
        aubieet to poetage at tbe rate  for "Printed Papcu.'' Lt>.li d·  for  encb 2 oz. or weight.
          t No re~oeipt is t{iveo  for parcels sent  under this scale, they Qre  Lreattld ao  ordinary  let~rs  and
        a'hould be posted in  the box.
          (a)  Letters-~o  letter for  delivery  in .Jamaica  may exceed 18  inches  iu  lengt.h,  9
        inohes in width or 6 inches in depth, e.xcept it be sent to or !row a Covernmeut Office.
          Lett.ers serlt in open envelvpO$ are nvt admiUed at rule f~tr '' Pri.11ietl Papers."
          Letters,  newspapers,  prices  current,  and  hook packets  which  are toholly  unpaid  will
        be linble  to a  surcharge  equal  to double tbe prepaid rate; and, if they are insufficiently
        prepaid, to a surchnrge equal to d<ntble lhe deficiency
          At the Genera!PostOflice, Kingston,letters, circulars, acoouots, &ll., (but not newspapers)
        may  be  prepaid  in  money instead  of  postage  stamps;  provideJ  that  the  articles  aro
        ohArgeable with an unifol'lll rate of postabre,  that the nmount  paid is in no  case leas than
         10s. and that they are tied in bundles representing a  postage of 2s.  6d.  each,  with the
        addresses  arranged  in the same direct:iou.  l;uch  mail matter must  be  presented  at a
         time pre-lll'mllged with the Genel"'ll Post Office.
          (b)  Post  Card8.-Privatepost cards prepaid  by means  of  haiipeDJly  postage  stamps
        may be sent by  the iula.nd  post  on the foll~>wing conditions:-Tbey must  not exceed
        6t by 4i inches nor be less than 4 by 2! inohes.  The right baud half o( the face is  re-
        served for the postal directions and address; the left hand hnl! is available for the purpose&
        of the sender, subject to the following restriotions:-In additi011 to stamps for  prepay-
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11