Page 7 - PO_Guide_1926_IPM
P. 7

REGULATIONS.                        5
     ment post carcL!  may bear smull labels showing the name and address of the sender and
     tb.e addressee; and engravings and photographs on very thin  paper may be  atli.'l:ed Lo  th.•
     back and  left hand half of the address side,  provid.ed  that they are complel.eiy  atlhll!'ent.
     Newspaper <:uttings may also be attaahed to the back and left hand half of the addreas
     side.  A post card must not be enclosed iu a  cover of any kind.
       Cards bearing  t.h.e  title  "Post Card, ' ot·  ita equivalent  are  admitted at  llie rate for
     .Printed mat.ter, provided that. they conform to the general regulations respecting printed
     papers: if tltey  do  not conform  either  to  these  regulations  or  to  the  rules applicable
     -to post  cards  lhe11  are  treated Wl
       C:.~.rds must be manufactured oi cardbottrd or paper of  suoh  consistence  u.s  not  to
     binder manipula.liou.
       (c).  Printed Papers.-The  following Me  oon.~idered as Printed Papers, &ud allowed to
     pallS  as  such:-Newsplipers anrl  periodic•~(  works,  books,  pamphlets.  sheets  of  music,
     visiting cards, address cards, pl'oOfs of printing wit b. or withoul the relative manuscript,
     engravings.  photograph$, and albuws containing photogra.pb.s,  pictures, dr<~lvings, plans,
     maps,  catalognes,  prospectuses,  advertisements a.nd  ootice3  of  vurions  kinds,  printed,
     engraved,  lithogrn.pbed  or  rnirneogr!l.pb.ed,  and  ict  gemmll,  ull  irnpres..ious  or  copies,
     obtaiued  upon  paper,  parchment,  or cnrdbourd, by  means  of eng.raving,  litho-
     graphy, aut.ogrnpbv,  or any  othet•  mechanic,\!  pro~esa engy  to recognise except  trunafers
     and the  typt•writer.
      Reprodu<:tions of u  m.anuscrirtt or  typewritten urigioa.t.  when  th~!y  are  obtained by a
     mechuoical  m•~tlifolding process  (chronograpy,  &c.)  ore  like  prittte.l  pu.pcro;  but
     in  ordet·  to  p>ISI  t\t the  reducer!  po~~e.  t he5r.  rt>llrodu(l\ion~  must  h~ brotl.l(ltt  to  the
     counter of a  Post Office  to  the number of al (rtJ~t twenJ.!I cnpit~. Jirecis~/ti i<t~nlical.
      Printed papnrs which bear any mnrh whatever cap!l.ble of cooiititluing a  co~tveutioual
     faugQ!Ige  Qt,  swe the exceptions speoiticully  authorised beLow,  t.hos~ of whi<1h  tlte  text
     has been modi lied  art er printing, cannot be sent at the reduct>.d mte 11ppliaable to prio ted
       It is :lllowed :-
        (1)  to adJ in manusc•ript, on  print('d visiting c1~rds and also on Christ!M.8 anu New
           Yell.r Curds th~ atlrll·ess of t.bc sender,ltis title, lis well M  nny fot·mula of courtesy-,
           expt·e ..  ~<·d ia livr words u~ most or by t11eu.ns  of uortveutiooal  iniLittl~ (p.f.,  &11.);
        (2)  to enclose the "cop .V" with corrected  proofs, and to in those proofs alt,era.-
            tious e.wl additious concerned with corrcction9 1  form,  and printiug.  In case  of
           want. of space these a.dilitions may be made on separate sheets;
        {3)  to correct also errors in  printing in  print~<rl docurnenl<l other thnn proofs;
        (4)  to insert or ~orrer.t in ma.nuscript or  by a mcchnuictll proc'!SS figures in prices cur-
            rent, tenders for advcrt.isement.s,  ~<lock J\nd share lists, ronrket quotations,  trade
           eirl' und, 11s  well n.s  the  l.mveller's name,  the dutP..  time and
           plar.e  or his intended visit, anc.l  t.he adtlresa at  wbir.h  he is staying. in  tr:~vellers'
        (5)  to indicate in =uscript in advice$ of the departures and arrivals of ships,  the
           date 1\rtd tirno of those dPpt~rturo:o and :u·rivals, a.a  well  as t.he  nallleS cif the Rhips
           and  the  porta  of  departu•·e  !\nd  arrival:
        {6)  to a.dd ti written dedication consisting ;;imply of 1111 e:(pression of regMd on books,
            pamphlets, 11ewspaper3, photographs, engravings, sheets of mu.~io, and in general
            on all literary or artilitic productions, printed, engraved, Titbograpbed or min.eo-
           grapbod, as well as t.o enclose the relative invoice;
        (7)  to add, in m.a.nuscript ur by n. mechanical process, to cuttiags froru newspapers and
           periodicals,  t-he title,  dntc, numbe!', and address  of the publication from 1vhicb
            the art.icle is ex! ractefl;
        (8)  in forms of order or subscription for publica.! ions, books, newspapers, engravings,
  of music, to in.dicat.e in manusuripL the works required or offered, and to
           strike out or underline the whole or part of the pri 1ted communication.>.
       Address e.ards  and a.U  printed  matter of  the  Corm and substance of a.n  unfolded Oll.rd
     may be forwarded without wrapper, envelope,  fastening or fold.
       Tbe undermentioned articles are excluded  from  transmission  o.t  the  rate applicable  to
     pa•iuted pa.pers!--
       Postage stamps,  whether nblitemted or ILnt. and  in  general all  priu t~d  pnpers represent-
     ing a monetary value.  (These articles  at-e subjec~ to the letter rate of pu.stage.)
       Blank paper note p~per or envelopes (with or without printed address),  ~And all other-
     lcticles of sto.t10nery pure rmd simple.
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