Harry Huber
A Tribute to the Late Harry E. Huber by Fred F. Seifert
Although we never knew Harry E. Huber, we feel that his passing deserved something more than a scant listing among the deceased members of the A.P.S. in the February 1970 American Philatelist. Anyone who has done any philatelic research on British Caribbean countries, cannot have helped noticing how often the name Harry Huber is found as author of articles in philatelic periodicals of the 1920's and 1930's. A glance through the Cumulative Index to the Stamp Lover, shows articles by Huber on Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British Honduras, Leeward Islands, and Turks & Caicos. We have copies of some of these in our philatelic clipping file, and are impressed by the documented detail they provide. In a period when most stamp collectors had little interest in philatelic history and postmarks, he gave them more than casual attention. A long article on British Honduras that was continued through a number of issues of the Stamp Lover, is one of the few articles of any substance covering that country that we have ever come across.
Huber was an Honorary Member of the Jamaica Philatelic Society, and contributed 29 articles to the Jamaica Philatelist from its beginning in 1927 through 1936. They cover all but one or two of the British Caribbean countries, providing a multitude of facts and figures, well supported by extracts from his sources of information.
Harry Huber's contributions to philatelic literature survive his passing, and they remain as a memorial to him. We can only add our brief words of appreciation that he shared the fruits of his philatelic research with us.
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