Page 9 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 9

                                            MILITARY  CENSORSBIP  HANDSTAMPS
                                                   OF  THE  CANADIAN  ARMY.

                                Because  of ihe  pending withdrawal  o£  the  ~ritish
                         Infantry Battalion,  The  King's  Shropshire  Light  In£an~ry,
                         on  the  27th  May,  1940,  ihe Canadian  Army  assumed  garrison

                         duty  in J"amaica.            'this  force  was  known  as  "Y  Force"
                         anq  comprised  a  ~achine gun  regiment,  The  Winnipeg

                         Grenadier~.              Like  its British  counterpart  this
                         Regiment  also  provided  a  Company  for  duty  in Bermuda,  such
                         Company  arriving there  on  the  18~h ~une,  1940.

                                As  mentioned  under  the  Section  dealing  wi~h the
                         ~ritish Army,  the  auxillary units  of  the British Army
                         remain~d in ~amaica,  and  as  ~he Canadians  did  not  at that

                         time  possess  a~ Army  Postal Units,postal  facilities  for
                         the  Canadian  Army  were  provided  by  the  British  Army  and  the
                         ~amaican Post  Office.

                                ~he Canadian  Army  followed  the  same  pattern  as  ihe
                         British Army  for  censorship~  that  is,  ~he letter was

                         censored  at Unit  level  and  also  by  ihe  Canadian  Base  Censor .
                                 It is therefore  necessary  to  refer  io  both  ~ypes of
                         censor marking,  especially  as  the  second  type,  M-CAC  2,

                         the  "Y  Force"  bandstamp.s~  appear  -to  have  been  handed  down
                         :trom  Unit  to Unit.             Again,  al-though  reference  has  been
                         made  to  the  Canadian :Base  Censor,  -this  officer  did  not  take

                         up duty  until  early  1942,  following 1he  establishment  of
                         -the .British  Army  :Base  "Poai  O:f:tice  at Up  "Park  Camp ..

                                 Whilst  the  formats se-t by  'Iom  .Foster  in hi.s  articles
                           on  this  aspect  of  ~amaican Postal History  have  been
                           »reserved  wi~h bis  referencinc,  ~o eomple~e the  pos~al

                           markings  three  :fur-ther  hands~amps are  included  in
                                 The  firs~ of  these  is the  two  line handstamp  with  the

                           wording  "CANADIAN  ARMY/OVERSEAS"  in  seri:f  type  4i mm  high.
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