Page 6 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 6
World War II - Canadian A~my in Jamaica.
The third "type of censo.rsl7ip handstamp used by r•yu :Porce
is sil'(1ila.r to Type 2, na V:i ng the sa me \io rd 1 ng but eo mpri .sj n g
a double litled Circle, unSeTrated , 36~m in aiamet er . An
example or nandstamp No. 10~ is shown above Gh a cove~ from
Kingston to Hatllil-ton with Kingston dater of the ?t:h March,
1942. F~ahKed at 1/-, the air najl rate t o Cahada, ihe
writer, Capt. "J'.A. FaX'mer, was a member of t"he A r~ll. atrl
Suthe:rlal'¥1 Highlanders of Canada.