Page 8 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 8
~ben the Winnipeg qrenadi~rs were relieved in 1941 this
unit formed part of "C" "For.ce wltich car~ied the nope1.ess
defence o£ t\ong Kong.. Mail was transrni -tied via the U.S.A.
and with the fall o£ Hong Kon,; such rnail was stopped in
transii, receiving various hands~amps of ~~ U.S. Postal
su~horities giving ~he reason ~or none delivery.
Cover froJl Cross Roads to a member o£ "C" Force, via Canada,
bearin~ Cross Roads double circle dater of the 20th May , 1942-
~iaenily • -the writer was unaware that the Winnipeg unit had
being posted to ~ong Kong, and ihe cover bears u.s. Postal
handstarnp worded, "11:. is regre.t-led tha-t circums-tances have/
~de it impossible io forward this letter/to destination.
As soon as contacts can be established information will be/
published." 'l!ne :reverse of the cover is handstamped with
a "Return To'~ sender mar'King, both the U .s. markings being
struck in black ink.