Page 4 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 4

                                     World  Wa~  II  •  Canadian  Army  in  ~6Maica.


                       Two  covers  ~rom members  of  the  Winnipe~ Qrenadiers  (M.~.)

                       :Sat. talion  in  :romai ea,  the  top  cover  -to  Ra:i hy  River,  Ont .  and
                       the  lower  cover  to  ~innipeg.               Both  covexs  bear  ihe  blue

                       hands~a~p of  the  Battalion's  censor,  and  are  franked  a~ the
                       current  civili an"  rate  of  postage  as  the  Canadian  forces
                       did  no~ ~hen have  concessiona~y  rate~ o£  po~t-ge .                        me  top

                       co¥~r is dated  the  18th  October,  1940,  &nd  the  lower  cove r
                       the  15th  Oc-tober,  1940.            Thi.s  l3d-ttalion  was  the  i'irst  o£

               Canadian  ih-fant.r,y  ~attalions -t:o  ae~ve  in  J"dmaica.
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