Page 333 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 333

Tel e.graph
                                            Post Office


A Cc,Jc ...... ............. \              POST OF FI CE TEL E
                                                        (Inland Tele~

Oft:lcc oCOri~in und Scn·ice Jnstruolions Words Sen

                                            Charge To..

    - - I By.

~11-t~w-S-o:ne-kr-of tl1i$ 'le)('~rem ~O'l'TCF.-'fhis Telegram is acc
clr -;ro. tn po.y ror a reply lh"
\\Or· . "Rcplj f'a d · sbould b1.·          Regulations made t

to. rittcn in the space bclo"''· No      {           P
t•xtra el1arge ,, i11
t\l(W;f' "''Ord8.      be made for   TO

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The N•m• and 1\ddreos of the Sender should be written i
  Sender also requites the name and address to bo telegrap

BLank Inland 'lt.Ic:rr011!l f oun f'o
-the Post Office :fl·om 19-;8 ~h
   328   329   330   331   332   333   334   335   336   337   338