Page 330 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 330

Tele"raph Forms.
The West lndi~ & Panai!IB 'l'eleeraph Co. L-td .

rrin!~J'" rntl•nd. Aut. l lJU _  TE
P•tt~rn H. e~.OOO.

                                     J,m URf> CIIM-:LES Cfll(S

                                             F/ILIJO Ulll

                                                         1161 HJ59 NLl

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                                                             UR ~RS CI·IA~LES CAlCS

                                                       GUODIIOPCA _ __ _ _ __I>ORES~---....::.:.:,::.:_:.:._:_.::_

                                 ~...,-,..-----1----l           FAUAO Ul H

                                                                                                                    S~IICIAL INSTRUCTIONS.

                        :'!..US[ SIGN N<ID ilUURN

Telegra~r> envelope £roll {lte C611!_pany a-t Kingston to "Falmouth

with l<i ngstou da-te r o:f' the Sth De ce 1n'ber, 19J6 and be1 C)l(

the lowe~ part of the receipt sent to -the ~ddressee io

a cJ<ttowled~e .receipi of -\;he i:eleeratt. 'l'he -iele eram
i t.sel J is shown on the £ ~Jneet.
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