Page 327 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 327

TeleiJl'a;b Fol'lll$.

                         British Type - InlanJ 7elegraph.

l"!Mner example ot T,rpe 2 o-f this :fot:-m with me$&og0 ftolll J'ort

A ntonio to Spel,ish Town wiih tele~t:ri!>pls a.,ter ot the. 2na Mey,

19o8. The ~nvelope u.sed w:.t), this form is below 8lso st.a...pe8

the sa111e dc..l:e onil Ilia~ carried fr-ee of' ,ha:r~e as the adche<S$
was lees i:'ha~ one mile. $ro111 -!:ne Post. o££iee .
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