Page 326 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 326

'1"lecraph 'Forms.
                                            ~ritish Type - Inland Telecrapn.

:. :·s~:E~~~pold ........                   POST OFFICE TEL~GRAPHS.
                            . . , - 10 ...
                                            ......w ...,  ..d if ,..  ...d ..... '   "-··     •lie  -  .... poiollor   0napm&l~oa ..111.....  -
                                                                      T. . . . . .n           ...   -
                                            npotl••• of    •-...                       Wltoa             cl a..,.,. 1

........  ......"'... ...., ..... _., ... -                           ............ olta ..... "'. .. . , . , _ , . , - - · - ·


          Type 2, simlar to Type 1 bu! different format o£ wording
          and Strtaller Coat of AratS. Message fr<lll! Old Hope, handed
          in at Savanna la Nar, and -telephoned to Ramble. "Ramble
          was a small office and did not nave a telegraph daier so
          handsta~ped the £onQ with double ~ircle dater of ~he 1st
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