Page 329 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 329

Tel epoaP, 'Form~o.

»r1t1sh Type - xoland Telegraph.

POST OFFICE                                                                                                                                                             0. ol \t ....,.,

a•lllbr- attt!ht'J el Ulll Tetecn.• DIIQJ  IDl&IIO .i ...,rsrul 11  lt •til ~ l"f'~ttood e>a

~1 1·~11 tbe &ruount or-io;rflally pru.l f qt ua l111nl u !la& ton~ a u•1•t. f()nl'l+l to tw IO C<>II• ~·I te ~; uro.u u ,_Jd tor ••t•o-trt iOil >ttll br "~:~~!,',~ ~
 I~U'l.l oond rltr•llll a re •l •l• l u•ahl~ tu lh t· rc pet ll tno ol Poretj\1• rf'~ ra m t, \Vh~ t h.., ·on of 11. e.·piJ c.o a 'l't lq~;rarn l•u t..·o:o

IOd l bf' OUIDfirr of W"Jrfl ~ 110 I be fTJI" it iD f' :l,..... d t.b.. n ttmhtr ' 0 ,.,. lor lb. 8.ro4H of lbf' l"f'l' y moll paT fM 1r i UC:Q • .


                                l!edr""" and locallY prin~ed Type Z o.f this ty.fl'l with wording
                                respaced; -there are printin&' errors &..Ch as "doubled" 1nstead
                               of •doubted• on th41 lirlit li11e end no "1'1" !er "No ' at t he top
                                ri~t:. The mese~e £rom Kin,ston -to ralmout.), iQ sencli ng

                             "Chl'i~;ta~as gre~hncs" ~n.l both the :for111 ~nd cover bear 1'al11outh

                         deters or tne 25th ~ecember, ~9}6.
   324   325   326   327   328   329   330   331   332   333   334