Page 336 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 336

Telegraph Por~r~s.

Cable and Wireless (lie si Tndies) Ltd.

                      CONDITIONS                                                                         '

     1 Th.e Compa ) or any 'i'tleattlUh Cvmpany ot" Qu\l'crnml'll\ T.eltcraph Ac:J.wJtu

rat.on Ly whom Uu.s teltJC,ram 1s or would i11 the urdinary C'ourw or the tclegraphu

• ·nu.'.f.' be {orwar<.ii"d, mav decline to forward such trlegrnm ;thhough lt has been re
   V d "or that p:upw e, but in tiUdl <'fi$t· the o\ffi0\11'!" ":IAU:~ (or the tra: mission Will b
     ndC':I ~ the St"l.dtr ~l h1s reQUl·~t

     .!. 1\~tther t}l(> Cvrup.,n)' nor .Ul)' To•k~traph Company, :>r Gu\t'rl,tncnt Tclcgtaph
 \ t·unil't ntlon, b.v wnom thil:i tcll'grmn i. or would in Lhc ordlnan rourse of the 1e1(
tl. pbu:: ~rvke be fnrw:~rdcd, nor any of rne-lr re~peelive otfit.-ers or lt"rv::tnt$ shall 1>
  t~la ~-, make cumpensat on for anv lu.'iS, IHJUC)' Qt dam..~e ari.<dng or resulhng tror.1•mtt>Sion or non• :lc.i!Vf:T)- of lht ~l'l('l[ttlfn, or delay or error oc omission in 1.n
    nstrusslon or {-!o·hvt•ry thereof. through wh;:•lever cause J.Ueh non-traW:iffiisslon, l••n
1•11Verv delay, E>rnr er omhslon shall havE' occurrf>d even tho.utth occasjoned by tl:f'
1'1~'-!!ect ror default : ••eh Comp:mv o~· Admlnl~r!\tion or an)' offtCf'.r or ser\.lHt


    3. Thl~ tcle~::r••r.n sh;tH be furwofrci1·d lll ~ccordt~r'C''' with ~he proVI:.HoH!i ot thl!l lntn

r •fwnal 'f('ICJ(ral t H~gulatlon!j: aud tht lJt(JH:nuns of :-.UC'h Rt>guJatiuns ~ohall be deemed
 ., tie blnding betWt."(:a U1e sender and th1s or any T{'le~r.lph Comuan:.· nr Covernmen
r "'lr:tph Admini.slratiOJI b>' whom thi.-. u·',·~ram 1. .,~ would m '"tr Jrdinar:v cnur:!
 1 !OC tE>kguphiC' ierVi•~,. be f"rwardf'd.

      ~ The a hove rnf'nll'lned condftion$ iho pply to leh·,gnuns tt'fHlcr••d to or dehw r
     11c C'ompan)· b)-' ti"1Pitho.m· 4'1\'f'r a pri\' 11<· !ine or b)' any Qthtr me-an.s whatsoc·..·<·l

" )Tf_' 11 l'l;..mbN' wnf. U• ,ogttn•.s. comrru·rt"IOI m~Tk.o~ or cbbrf't'i(ltl!d t'zpT't'U'l<HU a~..

·~f>:i in lht> lt>~' of ·t'dw..·Pd l'(lt• pltJ 11 laii!J!•CJ)Il' tdt'uran•o;, tr..- numb•·• oj •~t<"

wordt OT f11'0ti.P·'· reckoner! iu acC'ordctlCt' u•ifh thf' ruJez for cha,.ging, m~<•t ,or
o.•.H'4!t•d 11;1(' rh o •J ,. ll••'lb••• of d•argr-ab1t word, 111
                                                                   tf'.rt. ,lldt•dii<Q'

•hie' nanerur"

ftt: :luud raw pl.;m l ••1 ua.~,: :el"-'frourn .ne u.b)t:~o:t to )Pt dUI Re,::ulatiOn:> u•g;.,J·dma

,, y tn traru-missi'-'n ;.nd ddi\cr_\ }'uU n~lormation rtslWCtinc deferred and lettt:

*"ir!rl'lms m •Y ht' orJb~amC'1 o..~! 11ny )f thE> Contpan) 'a Otlict"S. Ag these todcgrams a!'P sub

t to ~rpe-ial ;u 1... .!•ment •t.e) c:mnot llf'! acttptcd for all de,1in:~tion$.

                Ir       Oefert·cd telegr-am

                fll t    Doul) Letter telegram.
                         t-;15:::ttt I~ttt:r telegram.
                         IJrih ~ J:;mpo·e Soc-i<tl ..h•&ram.
                r,T T
                           f:O:o:c S·•cial 1'clctr:un

'l"erl'1s and conch-lions sei: OLii: on l'orrn "5/-138 Imp." 1'or

sending a "Reduced 'Rah J'lain Language Telegrant'' u• 1946•
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