Page 338 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 338

Telegraph Forms.

                                        Post Office Te le graphs.


IA z•3                                                             No of Telqnun
                                 POST OFFICE TELEGRAPHS                M

Cod (Inland T~ms)
Ofli.,., of Origin and Servi«' Instructions  Word· Sent at.

                                             C harge  To

                                              I       l:ly

1f the Sc.Dder ot thu; l ct~eram NOTICE-Thia T elearam is accepted for transmission aubJecr to the T~aph Ae11.
dun~• to pay for • rc:plv eh~
WO«!. ..Reply P a;d-· ehould ~          the Re,ulations made thereunder and the notice punted on the baclr. hereof.

wnttan 1n the~ below "- 1           TO  {             PLEASE WRITE DISTINCTLY

..u. du~orge Wlll be- "'"a.d'" In•

tlo.o.e word•


rhe 'lame and Addreu of the Sender should be written in rho apace provided ar the back of thio Form If the

  Sender aloo requirea the name and addreaa 10 be telegraphed it ahould be written in the ••form·· Space above.

        Bla"l< Ihlahd Telee:ra"' form :f'or inier~>al use ooly used by

       the Posi ofrice between 1950 - 1970.
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