Page 140 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 140

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M lilbi!D AT Sl::..                         "' -

       "LAilY ROU~EY"

           _ !!ONTR[Al - t~SG

    I;l.•mru,.,~LC!S4· . ~~~~TT 4fSlr•

' JI HE' U~ 'J 'L :N11Eti


     Cover "rfAILt:O AT SEA" £rea the ''l.ildy Rcdney" wdb the ship• s
'handstBolp sttuck in purple ink OJdclt-essad "Poste Ro•st.,nte,

Kingston enQ landed there. The Canadian stamps were cancelled
'by KingGton doubla circle Pllque'l:lo-1:. (laler of ille 2nd April.

1932. ""he cover •SS not coll eete cl a!J(l at'hr a ~1 weeks waihng
•as forwarded to t\e ~d Letter Office 'havinG first ~eceived
"UNIYEt.lVCRED/RETURII TO StNDCR" macnine csncell.e.t w1th Ktngsion
k£ 2. cla1:~tr - Ki118~ton pet~ocl- or the 11th May, 19}2,

struc"k in red ink a ,d also endorsed "'Rebut" in :in'k.

   Art er a further waiting period si; tne .bead Lt~Her O:rfica

the ccve1· was rehr11ed to the send~r, t'he ~everse bearing
K•nsstoo d~ter o! ~he j~th ~ne, 1932.
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