Page 139 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 139

tocsl Speciaeas.
tn 192~/3 -the Ja.,a•c.on Post Ot.fice - on the advice ot the

collection ol :ru1~aican sh10pa wnich 'Were ovtrpdnl:ed by a

rubber 'hands~a.p reading 11SP£CI)'IEN" in block snif t.:~pe 15 x

z,.. vith a p*ri.od after "SPtCII1EN.  'l'o aid in t:he co11plehon

ot t)lese st.,.ps the Sot1ety don .. ted ~me or the Vl'lues not held

by t'he l'o'SI; Office, includin~ used eJ<a"'pl es.

   '!''be l'ostn-aster ior J'aMiiC.l, R.H. F'letcher - Postm.,ster frOOt

1925 - 19'8 - ~;Ubsequently repot:teci ihi s t¥ pe o.i "$£'£CI11FH"

overprint 101bicb waG G(!d~toted as .4euilar Type 12.

   The ~d and 1/- valuea oL the 1912 - 1920 on Mult. Cro•n

CA water111arkcd paper a~~d the 6d value oi 1921 on Mul t. Script

CA watenaar\ced paper "re •ho• n below wlH• this ove1·pri,rn.
   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144