Page 135 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 135

Kin~ston Goods 9hed .



O.H.M.S. cover from rhe Ja~aican Government Railway to
11ol'!tef:'o Bay trom tn& )dng&~on ~oode Shed and bearing

";J'.Q.R. HIIGSTOH (fOODS SHeD• claier of the 6th J'uly, 1944

stlruck in purple ink. The obverse of the coYer bears

"OP.F'lClAL 'FREE:" handsta111p also strucl< in purple ink artd

dou"ble circle "T.P.O. 1" dater of t'he 6th J'uly 1 1944 struc'k

black i11k. The reverse also bears Monteeo Bay double
ctrcle receivin~ oaier of the 6th ruly, 1944.
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