Page 142 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 142

Money Order Department.

Unfranked cover from i:he Money Order Depad.,eni, London,

t.o the J"amalcan Ho11ey Order Depari:ment. '!'he cover bears

handsh111p of London l>epa:rtrneni of the 18th J"anuary,
1909, and "llimingham" iype dater of' •KIN(jS'I'ON/M.O.P."

-the J'"alllaican Depart.tneni:- of t.\-oe 5t'h :rebruary, 1909.

The Money Order llepadme ni han.SIIliHed i:ne cove'!' i:o the

registration sectioh of -l:he K1hgston «.P.O. and as 1t

contained valuabl•e it. wae ~ent by tegisierGd poai ~o a

local address, bearih8 registration daier of the 6ih
rebruaQ, 1909.
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