Page 143 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 143

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Cover to Readlng, :rahi<Uca, .,., the London Money Order J:lepartmen-1.
•! th the l>aradmer>-1. •s d3h< or the 18hh fiovembet-, "19?>6. London

t'hon >nsb-ud:ed the G· -;>. Q. l(in11nton to r~Mit t"he a~un!, r•que.ted

- .1lt·eacl,y -.·eceuedat tondon - .:•nd ')~nt. en th• ~nse.aled envelope.
AS b•heen the i~o post Olficoc the cover wen~ unfrahked ond at
K i nCG~on received the Kinc•ton HontY order ~ranch doter of the
·3rd l)ec.oiber, 1~36- The e~ount notified .....,. th"n added to the

Ch\"elopt. •nd as 1t contalne.d" ._..6 tc»pu.l& r&giS'tired

boar1ng K1ng.ton tOgislration dater Of ~e }rd ~ceaber, l936l

t.he reveree $hows t<iocston, t1onttti0 8a1 and "Readul8' d.i-ers of ~t'h !>oceoiber, 19)6 - a• •hoon on t'ho photostat.
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