Page 114 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 114

Early- ;ramaica.

acbli~teci to take into his Possession, ancJ to aiiminister on
all anci every -the (\ooda and Chattels, Rights 1117cl Credits,
ana other :the "Estate of i:he aaici Aaron tianby dec 1 eel (saving
the right of the said ;roaepb Lane the lUcier and ;rosepb Lane
~e Younger io their parts and shares of the said Rxorship
when they appear & claim -ihe same) the said l?.ilwarci Manby
havi~ been sworn to bring in or cause to be brousnt in, a
true ana perfeci Inventory of t:he Es-ta-te o:f the said Aaron
t1anby wnich is now in his Hands, or shaU hereafter co•e
to bis Ilani!s, Possession or l<nowlecJge, within Six l'tonths

'tlext enSUitlg the :Dabe "hereof, into ~he Secretary• .s O:f':f:ice

o~ this Ialana, there to be recorcied, or witbin s~ch time
as -the Orainary o.f' this Island, for the Time being, shal~
appoint £or 1:bat Purpose; ancl to pay the just llebts and
Legacies contained in the said 'Rill, so .far as the said

Qooae ancl Chattels, :Righis and Creclits will extend, ana:

-the 88llle to aalllihister accora:ing to Law, anci also to rend'er
a ~ust arr<I true Account et!. this Ai!miniatration, when
thereunto requestea.

             ~iven una:er J1Y llalld and Seal ai Si. J""ago de la
             Vega, the Siltieentb 'llay of tlarch .Annoq: l>Olllini,
             Or.e thousand Seven lrundred anci 'Eithty

                                                    J"ohn Dallin&

~assea: the Secreiary's Office.

   ~. s. Lewing Secty.
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