Page 110 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 110

A CQ z COllection .

                                                        "Diplomatic: and conaula r 181~ • .,
                                                         U.. Bdti.ah Ugh Coaai. .ion

    Local ""by hand"' cover froc:::~ th9 Bri~ish High eom.ieeion, X1nqeton. to an address in
Harbour Street, Xln9eton. The cover bears the H.igh eom.iaalon'a h&~t~ in red ink.

           t~ JM-~ ~ a. ~

                        P. o . ~ ~7

                       3'? A ~ ~-,.,~

   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115