Page 113 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 113

'Serly J""uaioa.

Al. J"a~~aica is ona of -the olaeet af lmgland' s for•er colonies..

it having been occupiecl by qenera1s Perm ana Venables in

1655, ita 1egal systeM ia in •any respects similar to that

of Bnglan<l.  .Shown balow is~ a Proba-te of "the Will o:f one

Aaron Nanby, 'llhich is elated the 16th March, 1760, and which

indeed, bae basically the. same :£or111at to those issued' in

tbia country tod~. The d'ocu11ell'i ia also o:t interes-t as

it ia signed by J""obn llalling, the tnen Qovernar of tbe

Coloey, at -l:be time ~en St. Tago de 1a Vega was the capital,

BXl<I before i i8 na~~e was chsngeci to Spanish !'own .

Set out is \he wording o:f the cToCUlllen-t.

J"8l11aica    His "Excellency J""ohn :Oalling li'sq. Capta:in

              qeneral ana (l;overnor in Chie:f in and over
              llis 11ajeg\y• .s Island ~ J""AMA!CA, and other

Seal.         -the Terri~ories thereon ~epending in

              AHERICA, Ordinary a.nil Sole J""ncige for ihe

              Probate ot lUlls, and granti-ng Letters of


            'l!o all to who'lll these Presents ahall come qreeting,
~NOW YE, That on the Sixteenth day of March 1.780 the Last

Will and Testament of Aaron Kanby late of the 'Parish of

l:in&st.on Merchant deceased was prove<l, approvea: and- allo-d

And ...hereaa be cUd in and by bia said Will. No'llinate ana

appoint "Uward Manby, ;J"o\m (toosDJan, J""oseph J.ane tbe ElOer

ana: J""oaeph Lane the Younger but the J~aia J""ohn <toosman. is

eince also deceased. Ana lllbtreaa the sa1ci "Edwara: Manby
hath thie day appeared before me a~o requesiea: to iake upon

bimatl~ the execution ot ih• aaicl irust therefore be the

aaiil 'F!chrara: Manoy -.y t~e J"ohft :nailing '!Saq., Capt. qen'l. &

<lovrir in Chief C>rdinary and Sole ;ru~e as atoreaaici,
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