Page 112 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 112

"Dire et C;able ".


o f3Uro~u  u~v~~tion ,

           Depart:::1ent of Comm roe ,

                         "lashlllbton i.l. c.


Cover tro~ the Direct WeQt India Cable Co~pe~ ~imited
at ~ort Royal Street, Kingston, to Washington franked at
Zid, the stamps beiNg cancelled by ~i~ect Cable dater of
~he 1st ~acenber, 19,0 . The revers~ beara Weshin~ton

recaivt~ dater of the 9th December, 1930 .
   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117