Page 119 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 119

qu.,.,,. Vicio:riD Lourea'teil Heail.


   Sho11n below ore !orger:io& of He 1860 ld, zJ, 4d, 6d .:>nil :1./-

vnJues o:f th.i.s .l.ODue. - i1.e ~d Vi'l"Lue was ncl: iaoued untiJ!. laier,
in 1863.

    'Jlesearc:n "b.y Ml", L· r.ewendon po...nt$ -to ihe.:e itetoG t1/l beine

ear~ (lt311pl<!& oF t'orgerie.:: pYoouc.;J by -the Spno ~rot'bers ~

ij~purg, ~ho operated b~ween 1864 to 1880 .
    It is t"ho11aM tnat the e)(301plell >~er:e pro.luc:oa bOt'"aBn 1866 Jnd

J872 . t4flilat tho dating o£ :forcerr1os is o!ten o ,,.Her o£

11peculat.ioo and D proceos o£ eliMi•qatio" .i.n -i'he c.:~so or loose

copies especioll)l, theYe are cer t.Uh .t..eiors -t"hat en,.. provide n

~de -lo dates, in the ab11~nc:e. o"! notes on dates ot pdrcl!a_.. etc.

    'fbe ovidei!CC that the Her-s sho"n are earlt "Sp1ro.s• ~ a th.o-1:
tha,y resea'ble tlte early Sfi'ro rot'l;erie~ of otl1er terr1i.ories nnd
the ,youthful quesn ' ll head ·t.a ao 'badly d~awD .>~;-to 1ni!tcate i'lml;

i t 1 s a :l'l>~gcry. ~lu-t'bel'lftore, tloa "po sl:lllark" on one or ln:)re o;f

the itQ..Jl iS iden-lic:>J. to -!:hosu on the Spi.-oa' r •.-l.he'r Cl"Udl!! fi_>::Ct

'"t of' ihe Cap" o.t Good Hope.

   '!'he a.,te ot 18(.{, as the i'irl:t pos$ihle a..te tJ.e ite"'s wer-e

p~oduc~>a i s ""~e"'te~ "" Meur-_e. "Pe..,b<>l""ion, "lllll~on, l"oens md
$\;ou~t.Oh w:rHine "between '1862. ani! ld68 , no blentio11 or a'1)'

J'll"'"ican J;:)rQ<!ries, h.,d suc'h t"hen 'Joei'lj:" in =rc..U:>-l:ion fe'r """"'

tin1e il:· is cJChe.nely un"likely ~h..t so.,., or ..u of u,.., were

unknown to t"h&GC "ri-l:&l"e, ~peciolly as their inclividu~>l
wrl hns-s give "good covera~ o:l the subject of :lbrgedes up to

1866 or 1867. lf&nC6} 1 these 1l-at111 probably .l<lte from after 1866.

Whtrl: :if! onore, \:'ho .Spiro ' sown Price 'List of 1664 o1oeo not

~o>ention tbe. ite~>&.
    Al:ain, H,Q "SI>Ud Papers" (1.478 to 1881) mal<eo no l, ot

 ~Moic3n Jbrgertes, which leads one to believe that thase >te•a

 were not " l3ior Spit-o produc.tion. 'l'be SpuCI Popere wore ~or1t~eo
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