Page 122 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 122

Forged double overprint "OPYICrAL".

" 1<1 scarlet valuo, DJ e I, of the 19Z9 - 19?2 King <;eorg<> V

issue wi\:'h a forged cloublQ overpr~ng "0f'F"ICIAt.111 strvd< in
violet in"k. '!'he type setting used is much l~rij"et· ilusn ihG
41enuij"le "OFPl'ClALSP and in ~•Y eve~<t the.y >ere neVer "PPlied

Oh siamps of th1s issue.
   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126   127