Page 120 - Sutcliffe A to Z Collection
P. 120

to expos<> 'lhe Spire" • work and f'0!"1l'er.i e~ -to the pnilatelic world;

to counten>ci th>s ..aver&e publiCS:ty !.be brot"hers i11p:rovec'l the

q""li iy ot t\eir work and produce(! revised vernto= e>£ some o:f
'"'ll~boi r "sei.e". 'l'he illlprover>er>t.
                                             .sucn -\;),,4, l1en:r of 1'h&ir- issues

covered in the late\' Spud Pi>jle:r<O ar~ of quHe reaeo..,b] e desist'

and quali·~- Indeed, even ltoW, spiro ;fo:rg<;rieS "PP""r u~r<'cog•iseil

in Clu'b t~<>dtets io.r i'he \ssu.e.c: of fl:lng' l(ong, i'he sireits

s~ol-\,1 eff.enl:.s ana,n aniJ IhHan states etc.

   :ay co~par-ison \.litb ihe "i»pl'ovea" Spiros tha earl:( tol'gerie..G

au poor efforts, but. -lrpieal o£ ot tile pre-5,1100 ~ra.

   u no "l'~viseo" ;ta,.aicl>ll tor£Cr:ies h;ovQ l.een recoJ:<Ie.a to d(J-\:e,

i-\ can only(><.- Dl:<I~Md thDi' -l:ne broHer.o con&;{Ciereil -liheir a.rl.Y

;]'1111\a~ Ca tJO"t )\'OrJ.h tevi l;ir;g; '"' tiJey Wore 80 crude JN ih<t firsi

place .,1.,.. c.mnot have "boen very ~~;r..-1;". ']h;i.s prohaJ>lv explru ns

tb& Cotlparaiive scare.i-l:y o£ i-be~ .forgert,es.

E~ree • t'he l<>.si of \he Sp\ld '!'.,per authors, Minhinea ""

active irrieres-b il'l .forgeries, !fe.lf. "'hen he \<l'ote in 190!> >.e had.

i.nen only suen ~U,e ld, '2<1 ~nd 1/- i tet~~s - "yery poorly ~xecuted".

l·iad they 'then 'been in cir<>ulahon 'be \<ould, most likely, ha~¥e

been 3Ware ot 3ll six values, tne 11:<~ s\OV/n 3..3 t'he later fc>r:g~a

]>~. 3s ih.y .,...,.. sol.a as ,, s~'t at ~ . 'The three values he

ll!eatiott.>' s~~sts 1:'b•'t they wer& ~urvivors £r001 a ~uch eorlier

;,Q-1; ver;t v;idety ai:rtrfbute~ .forger...

    ~be Spiro :P..rothers ceased £or!l'il'18' in the ea..-ly l680!s.
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