Page 103 - Derek Seaton Jamaica Display at BWISC 2006 Oct
P. 103

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In 1882 the 'squared circle' handstamp came into being and was first used at Oracabessa, other
post towns receiving theirs over the next ten years.
This card shows the Kingston squared circ]e and the old (Pl 1) handstamp for Cold Spring used as
receiver, both dated August 19th 1890. CoJd Spring was an office opened in 1874, and at fi rst
used the numeral obliterator '193' which even earJier had been given to Sodbury, Gloucestershire.
Some larger 'squared circJe' handstamps were issued in 1900 or 1901, but apart from an office
namedFeJlowship, which used its 'squared circle' until 1927, these had been withdrawn by 1908.
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