Page 24 - Jamaica Military & Patriotic Mail
P. 24

c.Patriotic :Mai{

(jjarrington Smitli Covers

'_'U'._e_'[{ fjg_lit every_ Jap~ "

}lnotfierprevious[y unrecoraea aesign, tfiis cover sfiows a map of tfie Vnitea'l(ingaom
ana jfag, witfi a patriotic te:{J;.

Paia at tfie twopenny suiface fetter rate.

crfie cover was postea at Jfafj-Way-crree on pt Pe6ruary, 6ut tfie year is unk_nown aue
to tfie year p[ug 6eing remove a from tfie aatestamp.

crfie reverse Gears a fiancfstamp in purpfe ink_ witfi tfie return aaaress of L. CBarrington
Smitfi in J{afj-Way-crree.
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