Page 20 - Jamaica Military & Patriotic Mail
P. 20

Patriotic 9vtai[

Pe(fowsfiip-2f_ tfie rBe((ows £a6efs

71iese fa6et:s were issue£ 6y a fun£ k,nown
as "71ie Peffowsliip of tlie CJ3e{fows", wliicli
was started 6y a :Mr. Cargi[[ of1(ingston.
La6e[s were issue£ montli[y to eacli mem6er,
wlio paw one lialfpenny for eacli enemy
pfane sliot aown auring tliat montli for
eacli {a6e{ tlie mem6er lieU 71iere were two
"peffowsliip of tlie CJ3e{fows" squaarons in
tlie CR,flP: !No. 263 in Pig/iter Command
(from 1939) ana !No. 692 in CJ3om6er
Command (from 1944).

1944 !Mail COfJer .f!_om 7(j'!6.ston to CBaCtimore, VS.ft.

)f.[tfiougli tlie cfatestamp is inaistinct, tliis cover appears to liave 6een maifea in
!Novem6er 1944 (tlie first montli in wliicli tlie use of tliese fa6e[s is recorcfetf).


- . ,

LU Mes srs . Ri tchie , Janney, Ober &,
- Attor neys-at-Law,
~ Baltimor e Tr ust Building ,
< Baltimore M.D. 2,
X U. S . A.

Opene r in Jamaica, ana reseafea witli a PC£17(i) type censor fa6e[
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