Page 22 - Jamaica Military & Patriotic Mail
P. 22

a>atriotic 9dai{

(Barri:M_ton Smitli Covers

L. CBarrington Smitli was a printer atuf stamp d'eafer, wlio from around 1935 printed liis
own iffustrated covers, and during WorfdWar If produced many "patriotic" covers.

"We (]Jritisli wif[ tfej_entf tliese to tlie fast man"

rrliis cover sliows tlie CBritisli fog witli tlie CBi6fe and a view of tlie sun rising over tlie
sea, together witli tlie word "victory".


rrliis cover was maifed from CBarrington Smitli at Jfa[f-Way-rr'ree on 16tli Pe6ruary,
6ut tlie year is unl(nown as tlie year p{ug lias 6een removed from tlie datestamp.

rrliis cover is l(nown from 1(}/i Pe6ruary 1942, so tliis e:{ampfe is pro6a6{y of tliat
same time.
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