Page 19 - Jamaica Military & Patriotic Mail
P. 19

a>atriotic !Mail
St. (])unstan La6e{

St. {])unstan 's is an intemationa{ organisation, 6ased' in tlie V1G wliicli was esta6Cislied' in
1915 to lie[p persons 6Citufed' in Worfd"War I. {]Juring Worfd"War I I, cliarity fa6eCs were
issued' in Jamaica 6y St. CDunstan 's to lie(p tlie war 6Citufed'. It is not recorded' for liow
mucli eacli fa6e{ was soU.

1941 ewer~ 1{j.!!fJ.ston to :New cy~

:Maifed' in 'l(jngston on 27fli January 1941, tliis cover was franfi..!d' to tlie va{ue of
tlireepence for tlie fetter rate to tlie VS)I, and' aCso 6ears a cliarity fa6e[ of St.
CDunstan 's (tied').

Wessr s. Gondrand Shipping Co .
21 , St ate Street

New York Ci ty .

11iis cover is tlie earftest k.._nown usaee of tliis fa6eC.
11ie previous earftest recorded' d'ate of use was 21st :Marcli 1941.
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