Page 23 - Jamaica Military & Patriotic Mail
P. 23

(l'atriotic 9J.ail

(}Jarri!!fJ.ton Smitli C(Jf)ers

rrfie design on tliis cover sliows a person divu{ging infonnation and tlie consequences
of a sliip sinkjng, incorporating tlie (]3ritisli and fl_merican flags.

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rr1ie cover was posted in 1:(jngston on 2tst (])ecem6er 1941- tlie earfzest ~nown date of
use - as sliown 6y tlie "Jfaffpenny (]>ostage (]>aid'' macliine cance{{ation on tlie reverse:

rr1ie cover was alSo censored upon entry into tlie Vnited States (~aminer :No. 6522).
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