Page 217 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 217


                     Overseas Post: Foreign Countries, conid.

        Customs declarations:  1  form C2/CP3 and 1  despatch note CP2.
        Insurance: No Service.
        Prohibitions:  Letters;  arms  (except  sporting  guns  admitted  under  permit);
       candles; charged  butane gas  lighters and refills (uncharged  lighters are admitted
       and should  be declared as such on the customs declaration form C2/CP3); play­
       ing cards; saccharine;  tobacco essence;  and,  in addition, all  goods  bearing indi­
       cations which suggest they are of French origin or manufacture when they arc not.

        Restrictions:  Cut  flowers;  eggs  of game  birds  during  close  season;  fish and
       game; fresh fruit; vegetables and potatoes, including seed potatoes; gramophone
       records; preserved  fish,  plums  and  vegetables;  plants, roots and bulbs; shrubs,
       medicines, insulin, scrums, vaccines and similar preparations, gold, silver,  plati­
       num and plated articles.
        Import Licence: The importation of certain goods is subject  to the production
       of an import  licence.
        Gift parcels: Customs charges are payable on gift parcels. An import licence is
       not  required  for  gift  parcels sent  by  one  private individual  to another,  but  the
       words  "Envoi  Isole  Gratuit"  must  be  written  prominently  on  the cover  of the
        Delivery: Parcels are not delivered.
       RHODES—Same as Greece.

        Letter Post
          Surface   \
          Air Mail   /   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable  articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  SI00
       green  label  required;  thereafter  top  green  label  and  form  C2/CP3.

        Insurance: No Service.
        Prohibitions:  Charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters  are
       admitted); honey.
        Restrictions:  Medicines and drugs, plants.
        Parcel Post
          Surface   \
          Air Mail   /   See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
        Customs declaration:  1  Yellow form CP3.
        Insurance: No Service.
        Prohibitions:  Letters, articles produced  by prison labour;  charged butane gas
       lighters  and  refills  (uncharged  lighters  are  admitted);  honey, trade spirits, nar­
       cotics,  items  of gold,  platinum,  bank-notes.
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