Page 218 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 218


                  Overseas  Post:  Foreign  Countries,  conld.

     HIlODESIA, could
      Restrictions:  Firearm,  medicines  anti  drugs;  ostrich  feathers,  plants,  roots,
    seeds and  bulbs;  viruses, vaccines and serums.  The name and  formula or com­
    position of all medicines should be clearly indicated in English on the container.
      Invoice: It is recommended that invoices and certificates of origin be inserted in
    commercial parcels.
      import licences are required for certain classes of goods.
      Compensation is not payable.
      Delivery:  Parcels arc not delivered.

    RIO DE ORO:  See Spanish West Africa.
      Letter Post
        Surface   1
        Air Mail   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Insurance: No Service.
      Dutiable  articles  may  be  sent  by small  packet  post—up  to  S100  green  label
    written in Romanian  or  French and English required; thereafter top green  label
    and form C2/CP3.
      items  subject  to  customs  duty  are  not  accepted  in  ordinary  and  registered
    letters. Serums, vaccines and  urgently  required medicaments are admitted in all

      Prohibitions:  Cigarette,  lighters,  firearms,  documents,  printed  matter,  photo­
    graphs,  films,  etc.  containing  matter contrary  to  Romanian  laws and  customs,
    foreign lotteries,  postage stamps addressed  to private persons,  saccharin,  tobac­
      Restrictions:  Under Romanian regulations goods may not be sent by letter or
    small  packet  post  except  to  Romanian  State  Enterprises;  packets  containing
    printed  matter  only  may  be  sent  to  private  persons;  medicines,  playing cards.
      Parcel Post
        Surface   \
        Air      !  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
      Insurance: No Service.

      Customs declarations: I form C2/CP3 and 1 despatch note w ritten in Romanian
    or French and English.
      Restrictions:  No parcels other than gift parcels  and parcels containing printed
    matter  only  (books,  periodicals  and  so  on), may  be  sent  to  private  persons.
      Gift parcels: Gift parcels may be sent to private persons without import licences,
    providing the contents are for the personal use of the addressee or members of his
    family.  Customs  duties  are  payable.  Parcels  may  contain  certain  items  and
    quantities only and the total w eight of all parcels sent to an individual during one
    year must not exceed 25 kg.
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