Page 82 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 82

                           Rates of Postage from Jamaica and limit. of site, etc
                                I.  I?ATE5  Of  P05TAGE.
              LETTERS        2 ~d. or 1 t d. for the first oz. and  It d. or 1d. for each additional
                                oz., according to destination (see separate  entries  in  Table
                                following, col  2).
               His  Majesty's  Forces  abroad  and  011  land,  the  r.•te for  letters is the ordinary rate for
              the country of destination.
               His  Ma,iesty's Ships  outside  home  waters,  the  rate  for letters is  l td. for  the first oz.
              anJ  Id.  for  each  additional oz.  Letters should  be addressed:-H.M.S.  (name of ~hip) ,
              c.o.  G.P.O.,  London,  E.C.  1;  if  addressed  direct  to  n  foreign  port, instead  of c.o.
              G.P.O., London,  the rate will  be  the or·dinary rate for  t.he country of destination.
              POST-CARDS              Single,  1d. each:  Reply paid, 2d. each.
              SMALL  PACKETS  . .     5d. for firat.lO oz. and  Id. per 2oz. thereafter.
              PRINTED PAPERS  . .    t d.  per  2  oz.
              COMMERCIAL PAPERS      2{d.  for  first 1 0  oz.  and ! d.  per 2 oz. thereafter
              SAMPLES                 1 d. for first 4 oz. and t d. per  2 oz. thereafter.
              REGISTRATION FEE        2d. for  all articles.
              ADVICE  OF DELIVERY    2d. (for  registered and insured articles only).
              INSURANCE FEE          5d.  for every £12  of value.
             "BLIND  LITERA TURF"    Up to 2 lbs qd ; 5 lbs.  1d.; 8  lbs  l}d;  11 lbs.  2d.
              PARCEL  POST PARCELS   See columns 7- 11  of Table following.
                                 11.  LIMITS  OF WEIGHT.
             LETTERS                 4  lbs. 6  oz. to all destinations.
             SMALL PACKETS           2 lb.
             OTHER ARTICLES          See separate entries in Table following- col 4 &  5.
               Exceptionally, a printed volume for  any  destination  abroad  may  weigh  as much as
             G!  lb~
             PARCEL  POST PARCELS  . .  lllbs.  or  22  lbs.  as  noted  iu  colwnns  10  and  11
                                        of Table.  Exceptionally,  the  limit  for  Canada
                                        and India is 20 lbs.
                                  Ill.  LIMITS  OF  SIZE.
                T,, Foreign Countries in the Postal Union: 3  feet in  length,  breadth  and  depth
                combined, but greatest dimension may 110t exceed 2 feet.
                To British Empire:  2 feet in length by 18 in. in width or depth.
                To all destinations, if in roll form:  3 feet 3 in, in length and twice diameter, but
                greatest dimension may not exceed  2  ft. 8in.
             POST-CARDS              5t by 4t  in. (15 by 10.5 centimetres).
             SMALL PACKETS          Same  as  !~tiers  but  no  exception  for  British
             SAMPLES                 To Foreign countries:  Same as Letters.
                                    To  British  Fmpire:  2  ft.  in  length  by  1  ft.
                                        width or depth.
             PARCEL ROST PARCELS  . .  Parcelsmav D!lot exceed 3} feet for length, breadth,  of
                                       depth, and 6 feet for length aud girth combined.
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