Page 78 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 78

                EcuAoon.-Sugar  Ctlne,  brandy or  it~ combinations, 11nd  tob&cco  (subject  to  restric-
                E oTPT.-Arti6cial tobacco; seeds and juice or extract of tobacco, raw or refined sugar.
                F AANCE.-Tobacco, except in limited quantities for addressee's use, essence of tobacco;
              8 ncchnrine.
                !TALT.-Tob~cco,  subject  to special  restrictions.
                PANAMA.-5weets, paste, fats and substances which easily liquefy.
                PEnu.-Tobncco  and  saccharine,  subject  to  special  restrictions.
                PnrLII'PINil  lsLANDS.-Same !IS U.S.A., except  that cigars and cigarettes are admitted
              without  restrictions  as  to quantity  contained  in single  package.
                Rou~!ANIA.-Tobncco, subject  to  special  restrictiens.
                l:iwEDEN.-Tobacco, spirits  and  wines,  subject to special  restrictions.
                GREAT BRITAIN- I. Rags and bedding: soiled clothing; shaving brushes made in Jnpan
              or exported  from  Japan; hair  of  animals and wool  coming  from  Egypt (including  the
              Sudan); all  ndvcrlisements  concerning  the  treatment of  vcncrenl  dL<eases  or  relative
              to  any  prcpnrations  intended  to  prevent,  cure,  or  rolicvc them, except in the case of
              ~rtloles  uddt·osscd  solely  to  praoticing  physicians  or  to duly quali6ed chemists for the
              needs  of  their  profes~ion; liquids; dangerous drugs or  sub.qtnuccs  for analysis or medical
              examination;  pathological  specimens;  ten  unfit  for  human  con'lUillption; tea. exhausted
              or  mixed  with  o~her subtsanccs,  except by special  permission cf  the  Commis.<!ioners  of
              Customs and  Excisz;  butter,  margumc,  margarine  cheese, milk. cream, and  condensed
              milk,  except  in  execution  of  the  provisions  of the laws kn,l rl'gul:ttions relative thereto,
              and unless p:~cked n hermeticnlly eenled ~ins bearing a  conspicuou3  mark indic.'lling the
              n:~ture of their contents.
                I l. Skins, horn.~,  hoofs or any other parts of cattle or  other animals whose tran8mission
              may  be  prohibited  in  order  to  prevent  the  propagation  of  any  contagious  disease;
              lh•ing plants.
                ilL Firearms,  deadly  weapoas,  and detuched parts of such Al'lns, except hunting rifles
              (unrifled), ammunit.ion containing or designed  to contain  any  noxious liquid  or gas,  air
              rifles and ttir enrbines and the parts which compose them.  The articles  specified  in  this
              paragraph, are, however, admitted as nn exception in the form of parcel  post, subject  to
              permission granted by the competent British authority.
                IV.  False or  counterfeit coin; silver coin  of  GrestBritain which  does not meet  with
              the  legal  stnndard of  weight or finenes.,; imitations of coins.
               V.  Articles  which  bear or nre marked with stamps, nnmes or other indica tions leading
              one to believe that  they  are guaranteed  or  sanctioned  by  a department of the British
              Government;  ~rticles  bearing  11  counterfeit  mark and  nrticlrs of foreign manufacture
              bearing  a  name  or  a  mark  representing  or supposed to represent the name or make of
              any manufacturer  or  merchant in  Great  Britain  or  Northern  Ireland, unless the name
              of  the  country  in  which  the article  has been made is also indicated; gold or silver ware
              not of standard quality; goods made  in  foreign  prisons,  with  the  exception  of  goods
              imported  for a  non·commercial purpose  or goods of a kind not  m~nufactured in
              Britain;  synthetic  orgawc  dyes,  colours.  nnd  colouring  rnfltlers  prohibited  by  the
              Dyestuffs  Jmpor~ Regulation  Act  of  1920  may  be imported in the form of  parcel  post
              if accompanied by n permit issued by the Bonrd of T rnde.
               VI.  Live  animals,  with  the exception  of bees, leeches  and  silkworms  placed  in well-
              con.qtructed  boxe~;  tobacco  stalks,  manufactured  or  not,  tobacco-stalk  fiour,  and
              preparations  of snufl', except by permission  of the  Commissioneu of  Customs;  cut  and
              compressed  tobacco  mixed  with  other  substances:  S!lcchnrine.  mixtures  containing
              s~ccharine nnd  other  suh3tanccs  of  a  sirnil~r  nature or  us •; extrncts, es>ences or other
              concentrations  of coffee,  chicory,  tea  or  tob!ICCO  or other  mixtures  of  thos9 products;
              articles bearing on tne outside or in the addr .!SS words, marks or designs (drawing)  which
              in  the opinion of th~ Postmaster G ;n ~al, might embarrass the postal agents called upon
              to  hand~e  such  articles;  circulars;  6ctitious  stamps  and  dies,  plates,  instruments or
              materialals  inteutLu  fur  lhe  m!Ulufncture  of  such  stamp$;  coins  coined  inn forvigo
              country,  other  tha.n  gold  or  silvc~; coin,  precious  stones,  jewellery, and any articlea
              of gold, silver and platinum, in  uninsured parcels coming from countries which admit
              insurance.  Coin a of a value  higher than £5 (except with a declaration indicating that
              they are intended to serve aa ornaments), gold in ingot&  of  a  value  higher  than  £ 5,
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