Page 76 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 76

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              :::  "Good                      We have alwflyS  a        :::
              :l:                     1~  Complete                      :l:
              ·:·  Habits"  '                    .stock                 +
              f                                                         f
              : 1 :  You should  cul-                 of     '          ::
              A                                                         A
              :i:  tivate  tbe  habit     Watches  and  Clocks,  Sheaffer  :i:
              1                                                         1
              '1'   o  gomg   fi  rst.  o   Fountain  Pe. ns,  Pt!ncils,  Desk   '1'
              :~         the              Sets, Ladies' Leather Hand  Bag,  :;:
              : :                         Gents'  Pocket  Books,  Engage-  :S:
              +              }            mcnt and Wedding Rings, Gents'  :s;
              :1:  p
              :l:    0 P U  af            Links, Studs, Collar Pins, Ladies  :~:
              +  Jewellery                Broaches,  Chains  and SPORTS  ·i·
              1                                                         1
              : :                     1   GOODS  :                      ::
              ~~~  Store,  Ltd ·  ~ We shall be glad  to  show  ~i~
              ,1,                                    1 '          l     ,1,
              .1.                         you  anyt 1mg  to  so ve  .;,
              :i:  C. BoY, Mcmager        your  Gift  Problems          ;i;
              :~:*:*:*:-:-:-:*:-:*:*:*:*:*~*: .. :-:*:*: .. :*:-:-:*:-:*:*: .. ; .. ; .. ; .. ;-: .. :-:-: .. ; .. ; .. ; .. :-:-:*:-: .. :-:-:-:*:-:*:!
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