Page 87 - Jamaica_PO-Guide-1939
P. 87

              I                                                       I
              I       GOVERNMENT  SAVINGS  I

              I                       BANK                            I

              ~         Guaranteed  by  the  Government  of Jamaica.   ~
              ~         In addition  to  the  Head Office  in  ~

              ~ ·  Kingston,  there  are  13 r  Branches  I

              ~  throughout  the            Island  and  new          ~
              1     Branches  are  being opened  every  ye::tr.       ~
              ~         An account may  be  opened  at any  *
              ~  Branch  of  the  Bank  and  may  be                  ~
              ~  opperated  on  at  any  other  Branch,               ~
              I"    irrespective of where it was  opened.             ~

              ~                                                       ~
             I          Interest is  added half-yearly  on  the  I
              ~  3 r st March and  3oth September.                    :"1.~
             I                                                        I
             ~        fAt places  where  there is no  Branch  ~

             ~  o  the  Bank  depositors  n1ay  make                  ~
                    deposits and withdrawals  by  free  regis-
             ~  tered  post  through the  H ead Office  in  *
             ~  Kingston.                                             ~
             ~                                                        w
             !-                        F. D.  MACPHAIL,               !

             ~                                          Manager.      S1!B8
             ~                                                        *
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