Page 86 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 86

                                P r i n c i p a l   S t e a m s h i p   c o n n e c t io n s    b e t w e e n   J a m a i c a    a n d   C o u n t r i e s   A b r o a d .
             Steamship Lines.     Ports of Cail.          Mails conveyed.          Time in Transit.     Periodicity
                                                                                                        of  Service.

            1  Aluminum Line  Bridgetown,  Port  of Spain,  Letter  and  parcel  mails  for Trinidad,  9 days to Bridgetown,  10   Fortnightly
                              Georgetown           Barbados,  Leeward  and  Windward   days to  Port  of  Spain,   (Tuesday)
                                                   Islands  and  the  Guianas    13 days to Georgetown
           2  Canadian National   Belize          Letter  and  parcel  mails  for  British  3 days  Fortnightly       S T E
              Steamship                            Honduras,  Rep.  of  Honduras,  El                (Friday)         A
                                                   Salvador and Guatemala.                                            M
            3      Do.       Nassau, Hamilton, Montreal Letter  and  parcel  mails  to  Nassau,  3 days to Nassau   Weekly  (Wednesday)   S H
                                                   Bermuda,  and  parcel  mail  to  Canada 7 days to  Hamilton   for  Montreal, calling   I P
                                                                                14 days to Montreal  fortnightly  at  Nas­  C
                                                                                                     sau  and  Bermuda  O N
                                                                                                     (Summer  Service.)  N E
            4      Do.       Nassau, Hamilton,  Halifax  As above               As above            Weekly (Tuesday or   X I O
                                                                                                     W e d n e s d a y )   for   N
                                                                                                      Halifax calling fort­  S .
                                                                                                      nightly  at  Nassau
                                                                                                      and Bermuda
                                                                                                      (Winter Service.)
            5  Colombian Line  .. Port-au-Prince, New York  Letter  mails  for  Haiti  (via  Port-au-
                                                    Prince);  United  States  of  America,  14 hrs.  to  Port-au-Prince
                                                    Great  Britain,  Europe,  West  Asia,  5  days to New  York  i Weekly (Tuesday)
                                                    Africa,  Canada,  Mexico,  Venezuela,
                                                    Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay,
                                                    East  Coast  of  Nicaragua,   China,
                                                    Japan,  etc ,  (via  New York.)
                                                   Parcel  Mail for Haiti and United States         I
                                                    of America                                      1                  O
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91