Page 90 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938
P. 90

I N D E X ,
                                   Page.                           Page.
        Advice of delivery of Registered Articles:   Insurance of Overseas Letters  ..   49
            Inland   ..       ..     12 Insurance of Overseas Parcels  . .   54
            Overseas   ,.     ..     49
        Air Mails    ..       ..   83-91  Jewellery, Definition of   12
        Arrival and despatch of Mails:      “    Transmission of   12,  48,  54
            Inland (Table of)   ..   18-32  Judicial Stamps    , ,   75
            Overseas          38-40, 95-97  Letters:
        Articles liable to Customs Duty..   40, 47  Dutiable Articles in   ..   40
                                            Insurance, Overseas   ..   49
         Bees, Transmission of   ..   46, 48  Limits of weight and size, Inland   7
         “ Blind Literature”     11,14, 61          Do.       Overseas  61
         Book Post.  See under Printed Papers.  Prohibited Articles   ..   48
                                            Rates of Postage, Inland  ..   2, 3, 7
         Cable Rates                 81           Do.    Overseas   2,3,61
         Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.)  Service  52  Redirection  ..   ..   78
         Christmas Cards, writing on  9, 42  Registration, Inland   ..   11
         Circu'ars                  9, 43      Do.   Overseas   . .  48,  49
         Classification of Mail:            Return to sender, when prohibited  78
            Inland                  7-11    Undelivered Correspondence   78
            Overseas               40-48  Letter Bags and Boxes   ..   78
         Coin, etc.. Transmission of   12, 48,  54 Liquids, Transmission of   ..   10, 46
         Commercial Papers
            Overseas               44, 45  Magazines   ..       ..    8
                                         Medicine for cure of Consumption   60
                                         Military Forces, Letters addressed to   61
            Insured Letters          49  Money        ..        12,  48,  54
                                         Money Orders:
            Insured Parcels          55
            Registered Articles  Lnland  12  List of Countries   ..   73
                  Do.     Overseas    49    Telegraph Money Orders  ..   73
            Uninsured Parcels         56
         Compulsory Registration      11  Motor Mail Service Time Table
         Customs Charges—                 and Fares    ..      ..   33-38
            Incoming Parcels          52  Naval Forces, Letters addressed to   58
            Payable by sender         55  Newspapers, Inland   ..     8
            Payable on repairs        53  Newspapers, “ Registered ”   ..   8
            Refund of                 53  Newspaper wrappers   ..     75
         Customs Clearance Fee        51  Notes, Bank, Transmission of   12,  48, 54
                                        i  Offices, List of Post   ..   18-32
         Dangerous Articles     . .   10, 46  i  Official Correspondence   . .   13
         Dutiable Articles by Letter Mail   40, 47   I Official Correspondence, Registration of  16

         Duty on Repairs       ..    53  |Oils, Transmission of   ..   10, 46

                                        SOversea Mails   ..      38, 95-97
         Envelopes, Registered Letter   ..   75
                                         Parcel Post, Oversea:
         Greasy Substances, Transmission of   46   C.O.D. Service   ..   55
         “ Green Label” System     40, 47
                                            Duty on Repairs    ..     53
                                        (   Exchange with Canada   ..   58
         Holiday arrangements   ..    80 i       Do.   Central America   51
         Hours of business at Post Offices   7  |  Do.   U.K.   ..    55
         Hours of business at Telegraph Offices  80  |    Do.   U.S.A., etc.   57
         House Delivery         ..    76 I       Do.   W. I. Islands   58
                                            General Regulations   ..   51
         Import Duty   ..      . .    52 j  Import Duties      ..   52,  98
         Impressed Stamps        .    75    Insurance   ..     -.     54
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95